Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published November 1, 2023, Last updated November 1, 2023

Stammering or stuttering is a speech disorder. To stammer is to speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words. It is also called stuttering. The following homoeopathic medicines for stammering are very effective in its treatment –
- Stramonium
- Causticum
- Agaricus
- Merc Sol
- Staphysagria
Before we come to the detailed indications of these homoeopathic medicines for stammering, let us understand a little more about the problem.
What is Stammering?
Stammering means that the normal flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary pauses or prolongation of certain vowels, syllables or even whole words. In some cases a person finds it difficult to speak a specific letter. He or she may repeat the initial letter 4-5 times before he is able to complete the word that he intended to e.g b-b-b-bus. Mostly, it is the vowels which pose the maximum difficulty to people who stammer e.g a-a-a-apple or e-e-e-engine. In other cases, it may be more generalized. The person may even pause for a long time before he is able to speak a word.
What causes stammering?
It is not exactly known what causes stammering or stuttering. It has been seen that stress can aggravate a pre-existing problem. This does not mean that stress is the cause. It is often seen in people who stammer that the problem varies in different situations or times. It is not uniform at all times. When a person is relaxed and in a familiar environment, he stammers less. It is often seen that people who stammer are able to sing normally. But when he or she has to speak to strangers or a large audience, the stammering increases. Similarly, the problem may be more while speaking to someone on the phone.
Stuttering is more common in boys than girls. It is three times more common in boys. It has also been seen to run in families. A child is more likely to stammer or stutter if a close family member or a near relative does so.
How does stammering affect people?
Stammering can alter the emotional well being of a person significantly. It can cause severe loss of confidence. Often people start shying away from public appearances. Feelings of anger, frustration, shame and embarrassment are common. Such feelings can further aggravate the stuttering.
Tips for those having stuttering
Most of the kids outgrow this problem. It has been observed that 65-70% of kids recover as they grow. The recovery rate is higher in girls than in boys. Still a lot of kids are not able to show any improvement. In such cases external help is needed. A few things have been known to help in improving stuttering-
- Speech therapy is helpful.
- Speaking slowly and breath control are helpful.
- Diaphragmatic breathing has been seen to be of some help in such cases.
Treatment of stammering or stuttering
As far as the allopathic system of medicine is concerned, there is no known medication that can cure stammering or stuttering. There have been some attempts at trying different medicines for this problem but none has been successful. Speech therapy by an expert and self efforts have been somewhat effective in tackling this problem. This does not mean that there is no hope for such people.
Homeopathic treatment for stammering
Homeopathy works on altogether different principles. It does not work on antagonistic principles. It does not believe in giving antibiotics for bacterial infections or anti hypertensive drugs for lowering blood pressure. The homeopathic medicines aim at bringing harmony to all the physiological functions of the body. It raises the innate immunity of the body and then allows it to fight infections in a natural manner. That is precisely why homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects. Similarly, in the case of stammering, homeopathic medicines intend to calm and strengthen the nerves of the person and improve the speech in a holistic manner. Slowly and slowly, the person is able to overcome this problem. Of course, it does not happen overnight. One has to be patient and allow enough time for the homeopathic medicines to work.
Homeopathic medicines for stuttering
Although there are many homeopathic medicines that have been used over the ages for this problem, some medicines are indicated more often. I am giving a list of 5 best homeopathic medicines for stammering. This is by no means an exhaustive list and one has to often select a different medicine based on the totality of the symptoms of each individual patient. Instead of self-medication, readers are advised to take the help of an experienced homeopathic doctor.
5 best homeopathic medicines for stammering
1. Stramonium – Best medicine for stammering when patient exerts himself for a long time before uttering a word
2. Causticum – Best homeopathic medicine for stammering from vexation or anger
3. Agaricus – Best homeopathic medicine for stuttering during excitement
4. Merc Sol – Best homeopathic medicine for stammering and fast speech
5. Staphysagria –Best homeopathic medicine for stuttering with strangers
Here, I am giving the symptoms of these 5 medicines briefly. This does not in any way invite self medication, rather it is just for educational purposes to make you understand how individualization is done in homeopathy.
1. Stramonium- Best medicine for stammering when the patient exerts himself for a long time before uttering a word.
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for stammering when a person has to strain or exert a lot before he can get a word out. The patient is usually a talkative one. He cannot bear solitude or darkness. He prefers to be in company and in sunlight.
2. Causticum- Best homeopathic medicine for stammering from vexation or anger
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for stuttering when the problem starts because of vexation or getting angry. In some cases it is seen that the problem gets aggravated when the person is angry. There is muscular weakness in the patient. Children usually have late milestones; usually they are late learning to walk.
3. Agaricus – Best homeopathic medicine for stuttering during excitement
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for stammering when the problem gets aggravated during excitement. There is internal trembling sensation with the person. The tongue seems to tremble or twitch.
4. Merc Sol – Best homeopathic medicine for stammering and fast speech
When the patient speaks quite fast habitually and stammers at the same time, Merc Sol is one of the best homeopathic medicines for stuttering. There is increased salivation and the tongue is yellowish, heavy, thick and flabby. There may even be foetid odor from the mouth.
5. Staphysagria –Best homeopathic medicine for stammering with strangers
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for stammering when the stammering increases in presence of strangers. There is a distinct nervous tinge in the person. He or she becomes irritable easily. The gums may be spongy and swollen.
FAQs about Stuttering and Homoeopathic treatment of Stuttering
What is stuttering or stammering?
Stuttering or stammering is the inability to speak fluently. There are sudden involuntary pauses, prolongation and repetition of certain vowels or syllables.
What are the causes of stuttering?
There may be some environmental, genetic or neurological causes of stammering. But by far the most important cause of stammering is stress and anxiety. It is often observed that stammering increases or worsens when a person is in an anxious state of mind.
Does stammering occur due to low IQ?
No, stammering is not related to low IQ. Persons with perfectly normal IQ levels may have stammering and vice versa.
Does stuttering run in families?
It is often seen that children with stammering tend to have parents too who stammer or used to stammer. But this does not mean that children will definitely inherit this.
Does stammering occur more in children?
Yes, stammering tends to occur more in childhood and a lot of children outgrow stammering as they grow up.
Does speech therapy help kids with stammering?
Yes, speech therapy does help kids who stammer. Reassurance and support also play a major role in helping a child outgrow stammering.
Is Homoeopathy effective for stuttering?
Yes, Homoeopathy is very effective for stammering. Homoeopathic medicines allow child to outgrow stammering over a period of time.
Is is safe to give Homoeopathy for kids with stuttering?
Yes, it is perfectly safe to give Homoeopathy to kids for stammering. There are no side effects of these Homoeopathic medicines.
dosage of stramonium for a 4 yr old pls.
for stuttering.
Sir Mera beta 16 sal ka hai haklane ki samsya hai…
I m suffering from stammering
Plz contact me
I need this.
Sir me Nitish kumar may bhi haklata hun mughe bhi ek Dupre ke same bat Karni me diktat hoti hei mujhe bhi daba chahiye sir
What is your email address where you can be reached?
Sir mere ko bhi thik karna hai
Sir tutlanapan ki medicine suggest kijye???????????????????
dear sir,
i am 42 years old and having stammering problem like while speaking with strangers or in interviews or public speaking fear
and when asked the questions from me then even i can lost my voice or start with ‘aaaaaaaa’ and complete the word
please sir tell me medicine for stammering.
thanks a lot
Stamering with strenger
my daughter has been stammering since 4 years old now she is 10 years
She starts stammers in between talking to me or in school.
Please prescribe the medicine for hear