5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Hyperhidrosis

Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma

Published September 7, 2023, Last updated September 7, 2023

Homeopathic medicines for Hyperhidrosis
Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which the body sweats excessively. Polyhidrosis or Sudorrhea are the other names for this condition. This condition may be present in some particular body part like the hands or in the whole of the body. The following homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis are very effective –

  1. Tuberculinum
  2. Spigelia
  3. Calcarea
  4. Silicea
  5. Baryta Carb

    Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis, let us understand the problem in some detail.

What is Hyperhidrosis

As I have mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is a medical condition in which there is excessive perspiration. This abnormal perspiration may be localized or generalized.  Normally, a person sweats when he or she is exercising or is staying in high temperature zones. Anxiety and nervousness can also cause a person to start perspiring. In hyperhidrosis or polyhidrosis, a person sweats even when he is not anxious, sitting still and the temperature too is ambient and pleasant.

It is an unpleasant condition and can cause embarrassment. It can create difficulty in normal daily life activities. Excessive sweating in palms can also make writing difficult. Even otherwise, it can hinder socializing.

Why does Hyperhidrosis occur

Hyperhidrosis occurs when the body’s sweat glands go on an overdrive. A patient suffering from polyhidrosis keeps on perspiring while those around him or her do not. This is just because of the overactivity of the patient’s sweat glands. Such people don’t have more number of sweat glands than a normal person. Rather, the nerve which controls the sweat glands is oversensitive and causes them to become overactive.

Types of Hyperhidrosis

There are two types of Hyperhidrosis –

Focal Hyperhidrosis – Focal or primary hyperhidrosis is the more common form of hyperhidrosis. It usually affects the hands, feet, armpits and head. It usually starts early in life, most commonly around adolescence.

Generalised Hyperhidrosis – Generalised hyperhidrosis or secondary hyperhidrosis is usually due to some or the other medical condition. Many diseases like Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Cancer and Parkinson’s can cause generalized hyperhidrosis.

Symptoms of Polyhydrosis or Hyperhidrosis

The symptoms of Hyperhidrosis or Polyhydrosis depend upon the type of hyperhidrosis. Those who have generalized hyperhidrosis have increased sweating or perspiration all over the body. In case of focal hyperhidrosis, there is too much sweating on particular body parts, usually palms of hands, armpits, head and soles of feet. Most of the time, the hands are cold. The sweat is often clammy and sticky.

Homeopathic treatment of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a treatable problem. It is important that one differentiates between focal hyperhidrosis and generalized hyperhidrosis while treating the problem. In case of the latter, one needs to diagnose the exact cause of the problem and treat it to cure the increase in sweating.

When it comes to treatment of focal hyperhidrosis, Homeopathy is very effective. It does not matter whether the area involved is palm of hands, soles of feet, armpits or the head. Homeopathic medicines are able to control the increased sweating in an effortless manner. The right medicine selected for the patient will work like a charm and get the whole thing resolved pretty easily.

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Hyperhidrosis or Polyhidrosis

1. Tuberculinum – Best Homeopathic medicine for hyperhidrosis with cold sweats

2. Spigelia- One of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis with clammy sweat

3. Calcarea Carb – Best Homeopathic medicine for polyhidrosis on exertion

4. Silicea – One of the best homoeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis with itching

5. Baryta-Carb – Best Homeopathic medicine for hyperhidrosis with offensive foot sweats

It is very important to mention here that these medicines need to be taken under the guidance of an expert. One should not resort to self-medication. Here are some more indications of the above mentioned remedies-

1. Tuberculinum – Best Homeopathic medicine for hyperhidrosis with cold sweats

When the trouble is seen in patients who are otherwise weak and have cold sweats, Tuberculinum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis. It is very well indicated in scrofulous kids. If there is a history of tuberculosis in the patient or his blood relations, it works even bitter. There is increased sensitivity to cold.

2. Spigelia- One of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis with clammy sweat

When the sweat is clammy or sticky, Spigelia is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis. Worms may also be present in children suited for this medicine. The patient is very sensitive to touch and cold. Anaemia is a common concomitant in cases in which Spigelia is indicated.

3. Calcarea Carb – Best Homeopathic medicine for polyhidrosis on exertion

When there is excessive sweating on exertion, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic medicines for polyhidrosis. Usually, the head is the seat of action. There is increased sweating of the head, more so while sleeping. At times, the pillow gets drenched even if the weather is cool. Usually, it is more indicated in obese patients.

4. Silicea – One of the best homoeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis with itching

If there is itching along with increased sweating, whether localized or generalized, Silicea is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis. The increased sweat may be in the hands, feet or the axillae. The hands and feet may be icy cold to touch. There is a lack of warmth in the body and craves external heat.

5. Baryta-Carb – Best Homeopathic medicine for hyperhidrosis with offensive foot sweats

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperhidrosis when there is increased sweating of the feet and the sweat is offensive. The feet are usually cold and clammy to touch. It is very well indicated in scrofulous children, who may have retarded growth otherwise too.


N.B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Queries on 5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Hyperhidrosis
  1. Hello sir, i have hyperhydrosis problem without any disease its focal hyperhydrosis i don’t feel any anxiety but there is lots and lots of sweat on my hands,feet and underarms especially on my palms of hands i don’t find any proper reason of this which homeopathy medicine is best for curing it and my question is after eating homeopathic medicine does hyperhydrosis will cure permanently?

  2. Hello sir, I have problem with sweaty hand and sweaty palm and it is excessive when I do study it automaticall increase or even in little hot weather it also increses do how can i cure it or any medicine if you please give me some suggestion.

  3. Hi sir, i have hyperhydrosis problem without any disease its focal hyperhydrosis i don’t feel any anxiety but there is lots and lots of sweat on my hands,feet and underarms especially on my palms of hands i don’t find any proper reason of this which homeopathy medicine is best for curing it and my question is after eating homeopathic medicine does hyperhydrosis will cure permanently?

  4. Hat pair ke tlwe se bhut jyada paseena aa rha jln bhi rhti h grm season pr dane bhi pdh jate h
    Focal hyperhaidrosis ki condition batai ja rhi h

  5. 1.Khana khaye samay chehre sit par pasina aa jata hai….
    2.main ek news anchor hun news bolte waqt khansi ane lagti hai kabhi kabhi

  6. Hello there,
    Do you know medicine for the offensive sweat on
    The face only, while whole body remains dry.

  7. Hath aur per mai jayada pasina aata hai thandi mai bhi pasina aata hai garmi me phi pasina aata hai alerji bhi hai kuch Sardi ka
    Ani time Sardi aata hai aur jata hai chike ke bhi aata hai
    Aur homeopathy dva bhi kha rha hu koi asar nhi hai

  8. Dear sir, I am 64 and a female, for the last five years this hyperhydrosiss problem, which made life completely. Because I sweat all the time, mostly from my head. My ears and face, and this problem makes my lifestyle total ruins. I can’t go out for a walk, neither I can’t do any exercising. And the funny fact is that my other body parts doesn’t sweat that much. In medical terms, my symptoms are called
    Cranio facial hyperhydrosiss. Could you throw some light in it Doctor? And if you can suggest some medicine, thank you
    Sincerely Purabi Dasgupta

  9. My son is 20 year old, from last 4 years he has excessive sweating in his hands and feet. In a normal room temperature and in chilled whether too, his palm n feet sweat’s. Pls suggest the correct homeopathic medicine for him.

  10. Lady aged 45 years suffers from exceesive sweat without any bad ordour in whole summer . The affected areas are face hands, not palms and head, whole upper body , and legs , not foot. Takes water irrespective of thirst.,Please suggest correct homeo medicine with doses.,

  11. My 11 yr old Grand son is having Problem of exessive Swet Mostly in Palm which irritates him while writing.He is also suffering from Nasal allergy for which he is taking Homeo treatment for last 11 month but not much relief.
    Ps advice suitably.

  12. Sir mere hatho pero m se bahut jyda pasine aata h winter ho ya summer har tym aata h pls aap koi Bdiya sa solution btao pls sir bahot pareshan hu m esese please sir reply

  13. Lady aged about 51 yrs, after fever with low BP sweating cold on her face.
    Remedy please

  14. Hello,
    I have focal hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating in my hands and feet I have it since childhood I was told to take homeopathic medicine, so I’m wondering what you would suggest?

  15. Hi,
    Mam/Sir my problem is hyperhidrosis hydrosis hat pair ko pasina ata hai isne kya treatment hai medicine hai bata sakte hai please.

  16. Hello sir
    I have this problem in my hands and feet
    Please suggest me best homeopathic medicine
    I m 19 years old

  17. Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am 41 years old, suffering from heavy sweating on palms and foots from my child hood especially outdoor activities like driving, going outside, attending office meetings and playing sports.Less sweating in indoors and no sweating on other body parts.Due to this sweating problem, unable to touch/hold objects,writing difficult, unable to give shakehand and getting foul smell from socks due to wearing shoes for long time. I dont have any other health problems and all reports(thyriod, diabetes etc) are normal.I started taking homeo like calc. carb-30, silicea-6x,calc. phos-6x at my local store for this problem from march 2022 but not that much effective till now.I saw your blog on Focal Hyperhidrosis while googling and approaching for your suggestion for some good homeopathy medicines which resolves my problem completely and also for treatment duration & cost.

  18. Dear Sir/ Madam
    my daughter is suffering from hyperhidrosis ( Palm sweating and dryness)
    age-16 Years

    Please suggest us some homeopathy medicine,


  19. I am suffering from heavy sweating palm and foots from my child hood. But now a days i am over sweating from face and head while sleeping also. Recently I found type B diabetes. Please let me know it can be treated with homeopathy or not
