Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published December 20, 2024, Last updated January 17, 2025

Vaginal infection by a yeast or fungus is a common condition in women. It usually occurs due to infection by Candida and therefore another name for it is Vaginal Candidiasis. Itching, redness and swelling occur commonly due to vaginal candidiasis. The following homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis are very effective-
- Caldaium
- Cantharis
- Kreosote
- Nitric Acid
- Sepia
Before we come to the details of these medicines and their indications, let us understand a little more about the issue at hand.
What is Vaginal Candidiasis?
Vaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection. There are many types of fungal infections and candidiasis happens to be one of the many such infections. A large number of bacteria, fungi and viruses reside in our body at any given time. There are trillions of such organisms in our body but they remain in balance and our body is able to maintain its normal functions despite their presence. When the balance goes wrong, these fungi grow disproportionately and cause symptoms.
Candida normally lives in the mouth, digestive tract and vagina. In this particular case, the yeast which is again a type of fungus grows in large numbers inside the vagina. We call this vaginal candidiasis.
Incidence of Vaginal Candidiasis
It is a very common infection in women of the reproductive age group. Almost 75% of women get it at least once in their lifetime. In 50% of the women, it occurs more than once in their lifetime. It is prevalent mostly after puberty and before menopause.
What are the causes of Vaginal Candidiasis?
A few common causes and circumstances that increase the chances of vaginal candidiasis are as follows-
- Diabetes – Having diabetes mellitus increases the chances of getting infections like candidiasis.
- Weak immune system – It is one of the most significant determinant of the incidence of any disease. A healthy individual is much less likely to have any infection whereas one having a reduced immunity is much more likely to get infections.
- Increased use of antibiotics- People who have used antibiotics commonly are more likely to get such infections as the body becomes less resistant to such infectious agents whereas the yeast, bacteria and viruses become more and more resistant.
- Pregnancy – Chances of having candidiasis increases during pregnancy as the hormonal changes at that time predispose one to infections.
- Contraceptive pills – Use of contraceptive pills again disturbs hormones and this can lead to infections.
- Unprotected intercourse – Having intercourse with a partner who has an infection can lead to candidiasis if you have unprotected intercourse.
What are the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis?
The most common symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are as follows-
- Itching and irritation in the vagina and the opening of the vagina is present.
- Burning pain is present in the vagina, specially during intercourse.
- The infection often causes symptoms in the urinary tract and there may be burning in urethra while urinating.
- There may be thick, whitish and offensive discharge from the vagina.
- Rash or eruptions may also be present in the vagina.
Management of Vaginal Candidiasis
If one wants to prevent or manage vaginal candidiasis, it is very important that one eliminates the predisposing factors of vaginal candidiasis. First and foremost, controlling your blood sugar levels are paramount. One should be exercising regularly and taking care of one’s diet to maintain the blood sugar levels. At the same time, exercise helps in raising immunity levels.
Hygiene is very important and one should avoid staying wet or in humid environment for any length of time. Avoid wearing too tight clothes. Take antibiotics only when necessary.
Homeopathy for Vaginal Candidiasis
Just like in any other infection, Homeopathy works wonders in vaginal candidiasis. Homeopathic medicines are able to eradicate the infection completely even if it is a recent acute one or an old and chronic one. I have seen cases getting miraculously cured which had been lingering on for eons. The interesting thing is that one does not need to do anything special in such cases. Only the basic homeopathic medicines are enough to treat the infection effectively.
5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Vaginal Candidiasis
The following homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis have proved to be very effective. One should not in any way get the impression that only these medicines are capable of curing the infection. There are many other homeopathic medicines that can possibly help. It is just that these five are more commonly brought into use as they cover most of the symptoms of the infection.
1. Caladium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy
2. Cantharis – One of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis with burning in urination
3. Kreosote – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis with leucorrhea
4. Nitric Acid – One of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis with stitching pain
5. Sepia – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis with bearing down sensation
Below, I am giving a few details of the symptoms of these medicines to give you an idea how the right medicine is selected for each patient. Although all patients seem to be suffering from the same disease namely vaginal candidiasis, there are subtle differences in the symptoms of each patient. One only needs to look a little deeper to find these differences and prescribe accordingly.
1. Caladium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy
When the trouble occurs during pregnancy, Caladium is one of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis. This medicine has a marked action on the female genitalia. It causes pruritis of vagina and vulva. There is voluptuousness and coldness of the genitalia. Parts feel cold and there is a desire to lie down.
2. Cantharis – One of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis with burning in urination
When there is burning in urethra while urinating, Cantharis is one of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis. This is an indication that the infection has spread to other areas too and is not confined to the vagina. The vulva seems discolored black. There may be a constant desire to urinate.
3. Kreosote – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis with leucorrhea
In cases where there is profuse leucorrhea, Kreosote is one of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis. The leucorrhea is yellow in colour and acrid in nature. It may cause corrosive itching in the vulva region. There is burning and soreness in internal parts. Symptoms are worse while lying and better from warmth.
4. Nitric Acid – One of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis with stitching pain
When there is stitching pain in the vagina, Nitric Acid is one of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis. There are sharp stitching pains which are characteristic of this remedy. These pains are worse at night. There may be ulcers on the genitalia which cause soreness.
5. Sepia – One of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis with bearing down sensation
When there is a bearing down sensation in the genital region, Sepia is one of the best homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis. The pelvic organs seem relaxed as if everything would escape through the vagina. There may be a sensation as if a ball is present in the internal organs. Yellowish or greenish leucorrhea is present. Violent pain is present in the vaginal region which travels upwards to the uterine region.