Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published June 30, 2023, Last updated June 30, 2023

Sjogren’s Syndrome ( pronounced Show-grin’s) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immunity attacks the body instead of defending it. The disease primarily affects the glands that make mucous or moisture in eyes, mouth and even other body parts. The most effective homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome are as follows-
- Bryonia Alba
- Natrum Mur
- Nux Moschata
- Pulsatilla
- Veratrum Album
Before we come to the symptoms suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome, let us understand the disease a little better.
What is Sjogren’s Syndrome?
As I have mentioned earlier, Sjogren’s Syndrome is an auto immune disease in which our body’s immune system starts attacking itself instead of defending it. In this case, the immune system attacks the cells that make mucous in your eyes and mouth primarily but in other parts of the body too to some extent. The maximum effect is on the tear producing glands and the saliva producing glands, thus leading to dryness in eyes and mouth.
There are two types of Sjogren’s syndrome –
- Primary Sjogren’s syndrome, which does not come about because of any other auto immune disease and is present alone.
- Secondary Sjogren’s syndrome in which other autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis or SLE are present.
Cause of Sjogren’s Syndrome
Till date, medical science has not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of Sjogren’s syndrome. Researchers believe that both environmental and genetic factors play a role in the prevalence of the disease. Some general factors that increase the incidence of the disease are as follows-
- Women are almost 10 times more likely to get the disease as compared to men.
- Being above the age of 40 increases the likelihood of getting Sjogren’s syndrome though this does not in any way mean that you cannot have it below the age of 40.
- Presence of other autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis and SLE increases the chances of your getting the problem manifold.
Symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome
The main symptoms of the disease center in the eyes and the mouth.
- There is dryness of the eyes as well as the mouth. This occurs because the glands that produce moisture in the eyes as well as the mouth bear the maximum brunt of the disease. Mucous production in the tear glands of the eyes and salivary glands of the mouth suffer and the patient feels dryness.
- Some patients feel a change in taste or smell also.
- There may be dryness in the throat, mouth, lips and nose too.
- Women may feel dryness in the vagina and intercourse may become painful.
- Dryness in eyes is present and may also cause itching and irritation in eyes.
Treatment of Sjogren’s Syndrome
Allopathic system of medicine does not have any lasting solution for this problem just like it does not have in any autoimmune disease. Some medicines are prescribed to reduce the troubling symptoms but there is no permanent or long lasting treatment.
Homeopathic treatment of Sjogren’s Syndrome
The homeopathic system of medicine offers a permanent solution to this autoimmune disease as it does in many other such diseases. Homeopathic medicines regulate and modulate the patient’s immune system and get the hyperactive immune system to work in a normal and regular manner.
5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Sjogren’s Syndrome
The following 5 medicines have proved to be very effective in the treatment of Sjogren’s Syndrome. This does not in any way mean that these are the only remedies that are ever needed in the treatment of this trouble. Often, one has to go beyond these remedies, depending upon the symptoms in each individual case.
1. Bryonia Alba – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with increased thirst
2. Natrum Mur – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Sjogren’s syndrome with mapped tongue
3. Nux Moschus – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with cotton like saliva
4. Pulsatilla – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Sjogren’s syndrome with thirstlessness
5. Veratrum Album – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with peppermint like cool sensation on tongue
For the benefit of my readers, I am giving a few important pointers which indicate the choice of these individual medicines –
1. Bryonia Alba – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with increased thirst
When there is increased thirst along with dryness of eyes and mouth, Bryonia Alba is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome. There is increased dryness of all mucous membranes, whether of the mouth or the eyes. Throat and tongue too remain dry. Along with this dryness, there is intense thirst. One feels like drinking a well dry. Taste of the mouth remains bitter. The eyes are dry and feel sore while moving them. All symptoms are worse in the morning and hot weather.
2. Natrum Mur – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Sjogren’s syndrome with mapped tongue
When there is mapping of the tongue due to coating, Natrum Mur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome. This medicine has its origins in the common salt. The most characteristic symptom of this medicine is the white coating of the tongue which looks like a map. There is frothy coating of the tongue. Lips and corners of the mouth are dry and cracks or even ulcers form there.
3. Nux Moschus – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with cotton like saliva
When there is a feeling that the saliva is just like cotton ball, Nux Moschus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome. There is extreme dryness of the mucous membranes. The saliva feels like cotton. Throat remains dry. Tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. The pupils of the eyes dilate and remain so. Cold wind, air and cold weather make the patient worse while he or she feels better in summer or hot weather.
4. Pulsatilla – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Sjogren’s syndrome with thirstlessness
When there is thirstlessness with dryness in mouth and eyes, Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome. There is a lot of dryness but the ironical thing is that the patient does not feel thirsty despite this dryness. To take care of the dryness of the lips, the patient keeps on licking the lip with his tongue. There may be a crack in the middle of the lower lip. Eyes itch and burn. There is redness in the eyes and it is worse in the heat and summer weather.
5. Veratrum Album – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome with peppermint like cool sensation on tongue
When there is a peppermint like cool sensation on the tongue, Veratrum Album is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Sjogren’s syndrome. There is a cool sensation in the mouth just like peppermint. Tongue remains dry in the center. The dryness in the mouth does not get better even after drinking water. Eyelids remain dry and feel heavy. All symptoms are worse in wet cold weather.
I’m a 62 years old female suffering from Sjogren’s disease for last 10 years I have dryness in eyes and mouth I am taking allopathic medicine at the moment (HCQS 200 and Wysolone5 mg
Recently I have chonnic fatigue and lightheaded ness
Please prescribe medicine for me