Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published August 28, 2023, Last updated August 28, 2023

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin disease. It causes itchy rash with flaky scales. The most common site of seborrheic dermatitis is the scalp. The skin becomes reddish with white scales resembling dandruff. It can also affect the face, nose, ears and eyelids. The following homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis are very effective –
- Oleander
- Mezereum
- Natrum Mur
- Sepia
- Kali Sulph
Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic remedies for seborrheic dermatitis, let us understand a bit more about the problem.
What is Seborrheic Dermatitis
As I have just mentioned, Seborrheic Dermatitis is a chronic skin condition. Other names of seborrheic dermatitis are dandruff, seborrheic eczema and seborrheic psoriasis. Cradle cap is the name for the same disease in infants.
Most commonly, it affects the oily areas of the skin, specially the scalp. Sometimes it is present on the face and surrounding areas. It can also affect the nose, ears and eyelids.
What are the symptoms of Seborrheic Dermatitis
The most common symptoms of Seborrheic Dermatitis are the flaky scales or bran like patches on the skin. There is reddish discoloration of the skin in fair patients. Light patches form in dark coloured patients. The skin of the patients is usually oily. Here are the main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis-
- Scales just like dandruff are present on the scalp, nose, eyelids, eyebrows and ears. They may also occur on chest, trunk or below the breasts.
- The scales may be white or yellow and thick just like bran.
- Itching is present in the affected areas.
- The skin of the patients is oily in nature.
- The problem aggravates in winters. It gets better in summers on exposure of sun.
Incidence of Seborrheic Dermatitis
It can manifest in any age though it affects infants and adults between the ages of 30 and 60 the most. Also, it tends to affect males more than females. Presence of certain other medical conditions like Psoriasis, Acne, Stroke, Heart disease and HIV tends to increase the chances of having seborrheic dermatitis. Continuous intake of certain medicines also tends to cause susceptibility to it.
Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis
Medical science has not clearly been able to pinpoint the exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis. Still, the presence of some factors tends to increase the chances of having it.
- Malassezia yeast is one of the major known factors. The presence of this yeast and the resultant inflammatory response is one of the common factors.
- Oily skin is another common factor.
- Stress in any and every form- whether physical or emotional-tends to increase the chances of the disease
- Familial presence of seborrheic dermatitis tends to increase the chances of having the disease
- Presence of other diseases like Psoriasis, HIV, Acne, Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy and heart disease can increase the chances of having seborrheic dermatitis.
- Cold and dry weather is another important factor that aggravates the disease.
Homeopathic Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis
Homeopathy is very effective for the treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis. Homeopathic medicines raise the immunity level of the patient. This allows the body to heal itself. Stress can also be managed with Homeopathy. The beauty of homeopathy in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is that it treats the root cause of the problem and not just the visible symptoms. That is precisely why the homeopathic medicines are more effective for seborrheic dermatitis
5 best Homeopathic medicines for Seborrheic Dermatitis
Although it is a little difficult to choose just 5 medicines which are the best for treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, I am giving a list of the 5 most common and effective homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis.
1. Oleander – One of the best medicines for seborrheic dermatitis with itching eruptions on scalp
2. Mezereum – Best Homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with thick leathery crusts
3. Natrum Mur – One of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis with oily skin
4. Sepia – best homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with brownish discoloration across nose
5. Kali Sulph – One of the best homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with profuse desquamation
Here is a brief description of the pointing symptoms of the above mentioned medicines. It is by no means a full description of the indicating symptoms as it is beyond the scope of this piece.
1. Oleander – One of the best medicines for seborrheic dermatitis with itching eruptions on scalp
When there are itching eruptions on the scalp, with corrosive itching on forehead and edge of hair, Oleander is one of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis. There are humid and fetid spots behind the ears and occiput. There are red, rough herpetic spots in front. The itching is worse by heat.
2. Mezereum – Best Homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with thick leathery crusts
When there are thick leathery crusts on the scalp, Mezereum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis. There are scaly eruptions and white scabs form. Pus collects under the scabs.
3. Natrum Mur – One of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis with oily skin
If the patient has a generally oily skin and a desire for salty foods, Natrum Mur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis. The patient cannot tolerate heat and summers. Usually, he is thin and skinny. Anaemia is another common concomitant. Weakness is prominent. Exposure to sun causes headaches too.
4. Sepia – best homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with brownish discoloration across nose
When there is brownish discoloration across the nose in the shape of a saddle, Sepia is the best homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis. There are pimples on forehead near the hairline. This medicine is more commonly indicated in women, more so with females who have short and scanty menses.
5. Kali Sulph – One of the best homeopathic medicine for seborrheic dermatitis with profuse desquamation
If there is increased desquamation on the scalp, Kali Sulph is one of the best homeopathic medicines for seborrheic dermatitis. There is dandruff and scaldhead. There is yellowish mucous and serous discharge.
Sir, I want to take oleander for my problem as advised and the symptoms as described so please advise me how to use it
Sir a doctor near me give me
-thuja occidental mother tincture for applying in hairs – 10drops of thuja and 10 drops of coconut oil.
-chelidonium mother tincture
-2 white pills medicine.
After a month sebboheric dermatitis it still isn,t gone
Sir ye medicine kese Leni h timing or trika kya h
Hi, my name is ruben. I have a dermatitis saborehic .I have been losing a lot of hair .I need your help please. I would like to buy those medecins. Where can I found it.
May be I am also suffering Seborrheic dramatitis and last 3 months I am with medication of allopathic Oil ment and shampoos.
HHSALIC -6 Oinment being applied in body and Diprobate Plus lotion being applied in Head in night and washing with Sebowash Shampoo was everyday. Also taking Allerone Tablets – 1 No in night. This is by the Dermatologist Doctor.
The results I observed is not so satisfied. My observation only 25% is cured.
Please advise whether I can continue this for another month or shall I take Homeopathy Medicines?
I think my scalp have developed Seborrheic Dermatitis. I has been from 12 years . During winters it starts nd durring summer my scalp becomes clear.
Flakes nd little itching occur every year.iam fed up of it .i tried ,allopathy,homeopathy, ayurvedic medicines… Shampoo ,oil, etc…
A last hope that u may cure my condition.
My skin is normal i.e not oily
Please reply … I will be thankful to you
मैं 10 साल से सेबोहरिक डरमेटाइटिस से ग्रसत हूं. सिर के उपरी भाग से बाल झड गया है. सेबोरिक डरमेटाइटिस मेरे सिर , चेहरा, कान ,नाक ,छाती ईत्यादी जगहों पर है. सिर और माथे पर ज्यादा पसीना आता है.
Out of the five homeopathic medication’s suggested do any of them deal with the redness and potentially even splitting of the skin from seborrheic dermatitis? Other than salicylic acid are there any other leave on treatments that could be used for topical use in addition to internal?
There are so many causes that I’m really having a hard time deciphering which of these is my case. I do suffer with psoriasis and my doctor claims it’s due to psoriatic arthritis but nothing’s been done about the spots. It’s so severe that my entire body is covered with them. Nobody seems to want to do anything to help get rid of the spots. I’m not a medicine person I don’t like taking it at all and I have several different ailments that could cause this. I’m willing to try anything to get rid of it. I’m just ready to leave my house.
Please, can you help?