Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published September 29, 2023, Last updated September 29, 2023

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological system disorder that affects movement. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for Parkinson’s disease are very effective for its treatment –
- Rhus Tox
- Zincum Met
- Merc Sol
- Tarentula
- Lathyrus
Parkinson’s disease begins gradually and progresses over a period of years. It occurs due to low dopamine levels in brain. Before we come to the indications of these best homeopathic medicines for Parkinson’s disease, let us understand a little bit about Parkinson’s, its cause, symptoms and progress.
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
As I have just mentioned, Parkinson’s Disease is a nervous system disorder. The dopamine level in human brain drops and leads to this problem. Dopamine is a chemical that works as a neurotransmitter. It plays an important role in movement and coordination. This decline of dopamine does not happen overnight and takes a long time running into years to manifest.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
The symptoms of Parkinson’s develop slowly over a period of years. Initially, the patient feels a slight tremor in one hand. The movements of limbs may become slow. Stiffness of the limbs and weakness starts and then progresses slowly. Facial expressions become little subdued. The swing of the arms becomes less as compared to your normal gait. Speech starts to get slurred. The muscles become stiff. The walk becomes unsteady and coordination reduces. The main symptoms are as follows-
- Tremor- The limbs begin to shake. Most of the time, it starts in one hand. Then slowly, other limbs get involved. Initially, the tremor is felt only while at rest. It disappears during sleep. Stress worsens the tremor.
- Slowing down of movements- All movements start to slow down. One is forced to walk slowly or rather is unable to walk fast. Patients tend to drag their feet. This is because of the slowing down of the neurotransmitters in the brain.
- Stiffness of muscles- The muscles of the limbs become stiff. There is stress and rigidity in the muscles.
- Loss of Coordination and unsteady gait- The coordination between the muscles and the limbs reduces and one is unable to control the movement. This results in unsteady gait.
- Loss of facial expressions – The facial expressions are much reduced and one is not able to express normal emotions. Patients rarely smile.
- Reduced blinking of eyes – The normal pattern of blinking of eyes is reduced to a large extent.
What causes Parkinson’s Disease?
Substantia Nigra, a part of human brain produces a chemical called Dopamine. This chemical is responsible for transmitting messages from the brain to the various body parts and thus coordinates body movements. In some patients, the nerve cells present in Substantia Nigra either reduce or become impaired with age and the amount of dopamine produced in the brain is reduced.
Dopamine is also important for the functioning of another area of the brain called basal ganglia. This area of the brain is responsible for body movement. Thus, less dopamine leads to loss of coordination. The movements become slow and abnormal.
People with Parkinson’s also lose another chemical norepinephrine. This chemical is also important for blood circulation and the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system of the body. This loss of norepinephrine affects many functions of the body like heart functioning, digestion and even breathing.
Risk factors for getting Parkinson’s Disease
Scientists have not been able to clearly understand the exact causes of Parkinson’s Disease. At the same time, some risk factors have been clearly identified which tend to increase the incidence of the disease. Here are some known risk factors-
- Genetics- It tends to run in some families, though a clear inheritance is ruled out. This means that if someone in your family has it, chances of your getting it increase but it does not mean that you are sure to get it.
- Environment- Toxins, metals, pollutants and chemicals in pesticides can increase the incidence of Parkinson’s.
- Gender- Males are more likely to develop Parkinson’s than females. The incidence is almost 50% more in males.
- Age- Its chances increase above the age of 60.
- Trauma- Head injuries from road accidents or contact sports can increase the incidence of Parkinson’s.
Prevention of Parkinson’s Disease
Although it is difficult to say that one can prevent the disease, but there are certain factors that one can take care of.
- Avoid taking too many toxins, chemicals, herbicides and pesticide laden foods.
- Avoid concussion injuries to the head, specially in contact sports or while driving. Using helmets is very important.
- Exercising regularly can be an important part of prevention. It’s direct effect is difficult to substantiate but it has been observed that those who exercise regularly tend to get it much less.
- Dietary factors- Regular intake of fruits and raw vegetables is very important. Turmeric is very useful and works as a very good antioxidant. At the same time, avoid reheating and reusing cooking oils like sunflower oil as it forms aldehydes. These are toxic chemicals and tend to increase the incidence of Parkinson’s disease.
Homeopathic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Homeopathy has been quite successful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. The general perception is that this is an incurable disease but this perception is not true when it comes to Homeopathy and the treatment of Parkinson’s. The fact is that Homeopathy is very helpful in the treatment of this problem.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Parkinson’s Disease
Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. The medicines given here are by no means the only medicines that are used. It is just that I have found these 5 medicines to be most commonly indicated. Also, I have found these 5 medicines to be very effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
1. Rhus Tox – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease with trembling after exertion
2. Zincum Met – One of the best homeopathc medicines for Parkinson’s disease with fidgety feet
3. Merc Sol- Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s with tremors everywhere
4. Tarentula – One of the best homeopathic medicines for Parkinson’s with restlessness
5. Lathyrus – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease with rigidity of legs
Although, it is difficult to give a detailed symptomatology of these medicines. I am giving a brief description of the symptoms of these medicines for the benefit of the readers-
1. Rhus Tox – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease with trembling after exertion
When trembling of the limbs increases after any exertion, Rhus Tox is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Parkinson’s disease. There is loss of power in forearm and fingers. A sensation of crawling in tips of fingers is present. At the same time, there is tingling in feet.
2. Zincum Met – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease with fidgety feet
When the patient has constant fidgetiness of the feet, Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease. The patient cannot keep his feet still and keeps on moving them constantly. There is lameness, trembling and twitching of various muscles. Brain fag or weakness is another important indication for this medicine.
3. Merc Sol- Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s with tremors everywhere
When the patient feels tremors all over the body, Merc Sol is the best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease. The patient is usually worse at night. There is increased sweating. He feels worse during perspiration. There is trembling in extremities, specially hands.
4. Tarentula – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s with restlessness
When restlessness is the most prominent symptom, Tarentula is the best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s. The patient is so much restless that he keeps on moving though walking aggravates him. There is weakness and numbness in the legs. There is also yawning along with uneasiness of legs.
5. Lathyrus – Best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease with rigidity of legs
When rigidity of the legs is most prominent, Lathyrus is the best homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease. Calf muscles are very tense. The gait is spastic type. The heels do not touch the floor while walking. The lower limbs and gluteal muscles become emaciated.
Parkinson with heart BP Diabetes’s and prostrate and poor control of bladder
Hello, I was diagnosed in 2014 when I was 50
, I am 60 years old now. I use carbidopa levodopa. My main concerns are the tremors and the dyskinesia that occurs as a side effect from the medicine.what would you recommend for me?
I have Parkinson’s with rigidity of limbs. My left side is rigid so walking spastic, also left arm doesn’t like to stretch or go straight. Rigid fingers, hard to close to a fist. Speech is impaired as well- rigidity of the face prevents pronunciation to be clear. What would you recommend for me? I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. I’m taking carbidopa/levodopa and I feel it is making me worse.
I need to take homeopathic medicine- again what would you recommend? And how much?
Thank you
I have tremor only in left hand and fingers,I am taking Syndopa Plus since two years according the advice of doctor. I need homeopathic treatment. Please suggest which homeopathic medicine is suitable for me.
How so I understand or diagnose it as PD? Are there any tests? Can you pl explain Sir?
Excellent article
Dear Sir,
I have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Need to undertake homeopathy treatment. I am located in Greater Noida.
Mob 7895313008
My nephew aged 37 have pakineson since 2021. Shaking right arm and Trembling right leg. Also slow in speaking response.
Any treatment please.
He could not find any medicine to be used to get rid of this disease. Doctors say medicine may be used after 60 years age. He is too young but suffering. Could homeopathic suggest any medicine for my young nephew please.
The best knoladgeble for students and patients..Thank for it many….. Thanks.
Sir. Shown 5 homeopathic medicine for parkinson. Did patient select the correct medicine out of 5 or consume all medicine one by one. Myself suffering from parkinson since 5 years taking allopathic. My right leg, right arm got stiffness, muscles stiffed, which med is suitable for me lpl tell, rest nothing to me
My wife is having Parkinsons Disease. She is 61 years old.Past 6 years shea is taking Levedopa plus carbidopa treatment. Her symptoms are rigidity, slowness, sleep disturbance, gas in stomach. Constipation, dyskenesia with medicine. We want to try Homeopathy.
My mother is of 77 years. She has intense tremors in the neck & hands. Please, recommend me the best homeopathic dose suited & let me know how much to pay & on what mobile number.
Will treatment for my wife suffering From Perkinson .I followed Your suggestion And relived from TREMOR BUT WALKING DISORDER AND DIS TONIA PERSIST.
My wife Gauri Girish Vartak age 62 is suffering from Parkinson which is as per doctor and doctor prescribed Syndopa plus 3 times a day. As such there is no symptoms of Parkinson but her body has become Steff. First she had frozen shoulder after that her movement has become slow. Now she is bed written. She can eat food with someone’s help. Her blood sugar and blood pressure is under control I request you to suggest homeopathic medicine
Iam diagnosed as parkinson desease patient eight months back affecting right side of body (arm and leg) । I am taking allopathic medicines , safion 50 mg and pramipex 2 mg before bed . Pl advise if this treatment can be continued with homeo
I am 69 and having Parkinson’s for the last two years and having allopathic medicines since then, the effects are more on the right side. The desease is progressing . I am having almost all the symptoms mentioned above .
Therefore, would request you to kindly advise the right medicines required.
Thanks and regards.
I am having Parkinson’s for the last two years and are taking allopathic medicines since then. Of late, 5he desease is progressing. I am having almost all the symptoms mentioned above but more on the left side. Kindly advise the required medicines.
I shall be highly obliged and thankful.
Thanks and regards.
My wife 68 has stiffness on right arm
Her hand trembles,and her feet slight effects of trembles.
She can sign cheques no problem and she does exercise
What homoeopathy medicine can she take
My father have Parkinson since 11 years can he take all five medicines that you mentioned above. Pls arrange call back. He not able to walk and stand properly
Ihave been diagnosed as early parkinson desease goe for MRI also . Please convey the medicine.
Presently I am taking allopathic medicine I tried Ayurvadic medicine also but no relief.
PROBLEMS. problem in writing, Light tremor in Right Hand. Speaking problem . Please suggest me mediicine . Thanks
I have tremmersin arms and can barley walk parkinson can’t take cardadopa or standard medications for this
Iam suffered from Parkinson’s feeling pain in lower back shoulders hands and chestis freezing posture is bend both hands rigid and slow with heavyness.cant wear cloths easily all activity is slow body pain is higher.Age 64 cant sleep properly for 4-5 hourly. Tremor are less in hands.
Very painful life pl suggest suitable medicines. All time in dipression to remember these symptoms. Ji
I am having tremor in hand while writing ,handling cup of tea and some times tremors observed by others while i am standing and talking to some one.
which one is the best medicine for right arm little bit shivering and right leg limping
Hand written trembling
Is there is 100% cure from parkisins disease in homeopathy
मुझे पैरों मई कपन्न होता है और चलते समय भी एक साथ नही चलपाता हूँ। क्योंकि मुझे कम्पन्न प्रारभम हो ज़या केते हैं
What’s the best homeopathic medicine for tremors of the right arm and hand??
I am in my early eighty’s. My voice has become weak and I drool sometimes. My walk is slower and a little unsteady but not too bad… still able! I have no shakes or tremors but I find it difficult to get out of chairs.. I am more stiff than I was but no pain, a little in my left arm and neck but not too bad. My doctor says there may be a trace of Parkinson’s but I do not want to take drugs, only holistic remedy. Please advise best treatment for a otherwise healthy eighty something. Thank you
Suffering from Parkinson’s disease since 12yrs.
At present feeling rigid&restrict gait, controlled body tremors etc
Entacom 150,Rasclect 1,Ropark 0.75 . Pl. Advice
Homeo. Med.