Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published December 20, 2023, Last updated December 20, 2023

Mouth ulcers are a common occurrence. Every now and then one gets mouth ulcers. In medical terms, we call them Aphthae. Canker Sores is another name. These homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers are very effective-
- Merc Sol
- Kali Iod
- Nitric Acid
- Sulphuric Acid
- Arsenic Album
Before we come to the details about the symptoms indicating the use of these homeopathic remedies for mouth ulcers, let us understand a bit more about the problem.
What are mouth ulcers?
Mouth ulcers are painful sores present anywhere inside the mouth. They may be on the inner side of the lips, tongue, gums or inside the cheeks. Most of the mouth ulcers are benign in nature. This means that they are non cancerous. Usually, they are self limiting in nature. Self-limiting means that they get better on their own in a few days or a week.
Mouth ulcers are mostly small and painful lesions in the mouth. They are usually reddish or yellowish in colour. Majority of them are small in size. Uncommonly, they may be big in size and deep too. The shape is normally round or oval.
What are the causes of mouth ulcers?
Although we don’t exactly know the causes of the ulcers, the commonly observed reasons are –
- Deficiency of Vit B12 – Lack of Vitamin B 12 is an important dietary cause of aphthae. This is more common in pure vegetarians as B 12 is not present in reasonable quantity in vegetables and fruits.
- Iron deficiency – Deficiency of iron in our diet can also cause aphthae or mouth ulcers. This is also possible when the absorption of iron in the gut is not good.
- Diseases like Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease or Celiac disease can also be the cause.
- Trauma – Injury from dentures, tooth fillings, braces or crooked teeth can also cause ulcers. This injury can also happen when one eats or drinks things that are too hot.
- Having too acidic food- Eating foods that are too acidic in nature like citrus fruits can also cause mouth ulcers.
- Emotional stress- Stress is another very important cause. Any mental or emotional stress can cause aphthae.
- Lack of oral hygiene- When one does not care about oral hygiene, mouth ulcers can result. It is important to take care of your teeth and not to allow any bacteria to collect.
- Diabetes- Diabetes is another important cause of aphthae. It is therefore important to keep one’s sugar levels in check.
Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers or Aphthae
The most common symptoms associated with mouth ulcers or aphthae are
- Pain – The most common symptom of aphthae is pain. The pain increases while talking, eating or drinking anything.
- Burning – Often there is burning in the ulcers. This burning makes it difficult for the patient to eat or drink even a slightly spicy thing.
- Bleeding – The ulcers may bleed. Although the bleeding is usually little, it tends to alarm the patients.
- Increased Salivation- Saliva production tends to increase with aphthae. Actually, the saliva helps to keep the area moist and lubricated.
- Redness- The ulcers and the surrounding area becomes red. It may be fiery red in some cases.
Difference between mouth ulcers and Cancerous ulcers
- Mouth cancer is most commonly seen in people who chew tobacco or smoke excessively. This does not mean that it cannot occur in other people. But it is much more common in tobacco users.
- Another difference is that the mouth ulcers are usually painful while mouth cancer is not.
- Mouth ulcers are usually self-limiting in nature. They clear up in around a week or so. In contrast, the cancerous sores will stay on far beyond.
- Cancer tends to spread with time while the ulcers will heal with time.
How to prevent mouth ulcers or aphthae?
It is not difficult to prevent mouth ulcers. A few common sense precautions can help a long way-
- Keep your dental hygiene. Brush your mouth twice a day. Make sure that you do not have any ill fitting dentures, braces or fillings. Any sharp or crooked teeth need to be treated.
- Make sure that you are not deficient in Vit B 12 or Iron. Taking a healthy and balanced diet will go a long way in keeping the ulcers away.
- Avoid taking too much of spicy or hot foods and drinks.
- Drink lots of water. It avoids constipation and also keeps you well hydrated.
- Avoid smoking or consuming tobacco in any form.
- Use a soft brush for your teeth.
Treatment of mouth ulcers
As I have mentioned earlier, most of the ulcers get well on their own. To ease the pain, doctors usually prescribe some ointment to keep the ulcers covered. Painkillers help ease the pain. Other than these, allopathic system hardly has any cure for the recurrent mouth ulcers.
Homeopathy for mouth ulcers and aphthae
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in the treatment of mouth ulcers or aphthae. The homeopathic medicines are able to treat both the acute and the chronic or the recurrent mouth ulcers. If one takes the indicated homeopathic medicines for some time, one can easily cure the recurrent aphthae once and for all.
5 best Homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers
Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers. I am giving this list on the basis of my personal experience. This is not just bookish knowledge but practical experience.
1. Merc Sol – One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers with increased salivation
2. Kali Iod – One of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthae with milky base
3. Nitric Acid – One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers with stitching pain
4. Sulphuric Acid- One of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthous ulcers which are white in colour
5. Arsenic Album- One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers which are bluish
A brief description of the medicines and the symptomatic indications is being given below-
1. Merc Sol- One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers with increased salivation.
When there is increase in the production of saliva, Merc Sol is one of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthae. One of the main indications of this medicine is increased thirst along with increased salivation. The saliva is thick and viscid.
There is foul smell in the breath. The tongue becomes thick, yellow and flabby with indentation of teeth. The ulcers appear with every change of weather.
2. Kali Iod- One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers with milky base.
When there is a milky coating at the base of the ulcers, Kali Iod is one of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthous mouth ulcers. There is increased sensitivity all over. The glands, the skin and tongue are all sensitive to touch. Spitting of blood is also seen.
3. Nitric Acid- One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers with stitching pain.
When there is stitching or splinter like pain in the ulcers, Nitric Acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers. There are blisters all over which bleed easily. This medicines affects all mucous membranes., specially where the mucous membrane meets the skin.
There may be bleeding from gums too. Ulcers may also be present in the soft palate. Bloody saliva is also present in some cases.
4. Sulphuric Acid- One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers that are white in colour.
When the ulcers are white in colour, Sulphuric Acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthae. There is internal weakness and trembling. This trembling may even be present in the tongue. Sour eructations are present which set the teeth on edge.
5. Arsenic Album – One of the best homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers which are bluish.
When the ulcers are bluish in colour, Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic medicines for aphthous ulcers. There is thirst for little quantities of water at frequent intervals. Tongue is dry, clean and red.
Anxiety and restlessness commonly accompany any symptoms when this medicine is indicated.
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