Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published September 15, 2023, Last updated September 15, 2023

Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common sleep disorder in which you find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Homeopathic medicines for insomnia are very effective and can help you get rid of insomnia permanently. The following homeopathic remedies are very effective for insomnia –
- Cocculus
- Coffea
- Nux Vomica
- Opium
- Stramonium
Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic remedies for insomnia or sleeplessness, let us understand the problem a little better.
What is Insomnia?
In simple words, insomnia means that you are not able to sleep as you should. It includes difficulty in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of your sleep and not being able to get back to sleep. One may also not feel fresh after sleep. Feeling of tiredness may remain on waking up. All these things are likely to happen even when you are in an environment conducive to sleep.
A normal adult needs at least 7-9 hours of sleep in a day. Almost 25% of our population suffers from sleep issues at one time or the other though everyone does not develop long term or chronic insomnia. Many of these people don’t develop any trouble because of this sleep disturbance.
Insomnia can be short term (acute) or long term (chronic). Acute insomnia may last from one night to a few weeks. If insomnia persists for at least 3 nights every week for 3 months or more, we term it as chronic insomnia.
Types of Insomnia
There are two types of insomnia –
Primary insomnia – In this type of insomnia, there is no health problem which causes the insomnia or sleeplessness.
Secondary insomnia – In this type of insomnia, there are other health problems which can lead to disturbance in one’s sleep.
What is the cause of Insomnia?
There may be many reasons for sleeplessness. I am listing the most common reasons below-
- Mental stress is the most important. Stress relating to health, study, office, family or finances can lead to disturbance in sleep routine. Other major events in life like divorce or death of a close family member or a friend can be a major trigger of stress.
- One often tends to underestimate the role of habits in causing insomnia. People who are in the habit of sleeping late at night or who have night shifts or have to travel to different time zones frequently can also have sleep issues. Having irregular sleep habits can also lead to difficulty in falling asleep.
- The most common reason these days happens to be the modern lifestyle. The advent of gadgets like mobiles, laptops, televisions which emit blue light has led to an increase in cases of insomnia. People keep on using these gadgets late into the night which is harmful. Exposure of blue light at night time leads to disturbances in sleep.
- Eating habits can also be the cause of insomnia. If one tends to eat late at night or eat heavy meals at bedtime, it increases the chances of sleep disorders.
- Alcohol is another big contributor. Contrary to general perception, alcohol disturbs sleep. It may not happen in the short term, but long term effects of alcohol are detrimental to sleep.
- Certain medications also tend to disturb sleep and one should consult one’s doctor if any of the medicines is causing insomnia.
Symptoms of Insomnia
The common symptoms of insomnia are as follows-
- Difficulty in falling asleep. One often cannot get to sleep for a long time even after lying down in bed and switching off the lights.
- One may wake up frequently during the night.
- There is often a difficulty in getting back to sleep once one wakes up for urinating or for any other reason.
- A feeling of weariness or lack of freshness is also a common symptom.
- Sleepiness during the daytime is also present in some cases.
- Mood changes like sense of irritability, anxiety or depression can be present in many cases.
Do’s and Don’ts for Insomnia
It is important to focus on the things that you can manage and which can help you to get proper sleep. Some of these are very easy to do though they may require some effort of your will power.
- Avoid using mobile phones, laptops and other such screens after 8 pm.
- Get up at a fixed time early in the morning and go out in the sun and fresh air. You can go out even if the sunrise is still to happen. It triggers the release of cortisol which alerts your mind and body. At the same time, it sets off an alarm in your body which will lead to release of melatonin 14 hours after the release of cortisol. This means that if you go out in the sun at 6 am, then melatonin will be released at 8 pm. Melatonin is a potent sleep hormone and a very powerful antioxidant.
- Exercise regularly, preferably early in the morning.
- Don’t eat heavy meals at night. Dinner should be light and preferably at least 2 hours before you go to bed.
- Reading a book at night time is a much better habit rather than watching TV.
- Deep breathing exercises like Anulom Vilom and Bhramari pranayama are very helpful in calming down your mind and relieving stress, thereby allowing you to sleep comfortably.
Homeopathic treatment of Insomnia
Homeopathy is very effective for the treatment of sleeplessness. In most of the cases, it is just stress and anxiety that prevents one from having a sound sleep. Homeopathic medicines work gently and relax the mind and relieve the stress which may be the reason for the difficulty in sleep. There are a number of medicines which help in treating the sleep disorder.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Insomnia or sleeplessness
In Homeopathy, exact prescription may vary from patient to patient depending upon the symptoms in each individual. This is because Homeopathy places too much reliance on each individual’s symptoms. To an untrained eye, all patients may seem to have similar symptoms while an experienced homeopathic doctor is able to elicit the fine differences in each individual patient. On the basis of such experience, I am giving these 5 best homeopathic medicines for insomnia –
1. Cocculus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia from anxiety
2. Coffea – One of the best homeopathic remedies for sleeplessness with activity of mind
3. Nux Vomica – One of the best homeopathic remedies for insomnia due to mental strain
4. Opium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia with sleepiness
5. Stramonium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for sleeplessness in darkness
I am giving a few important pointers which can help in deciding the right medicine for each individual patient. These are just pointers which can help point in the right direction. A careful study and analysis is necessary to decide the exact course of treatment.
1. Cocculus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia from anxiety
When the insomnia results from one or the other anxiety, Cocculus is one of the best homeopathic remedies for insomnia. It can often be the result of staying awake taking care of a sick family member or relative. To add to the physical exertion, the mental exertion and stress takes a toll and results in insomnia. There may be spasmodic yawning but no sleep.
2. Coffea – One of the best homeopathic remedies for insomnia with activity of mind
When there is unusual activity of mind along with disturbance in sleep, Coffea is one of the best remedies for sleeplessness. There is a constant flow of ideas which prevents one from falling asleep. Wakes up most nights at 3 am and finds it difficult to go to sleep again. There is great nervous agitation and restlessness. Insomnia may also occur due to excitability of emotions like happiness or some positive surprise.
3. Nux Vomica – One of the best homeopathic remedies for insomnia due to mental strain
When there is trouble in sleep due to mental strain, Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia. It happens frequently in people who are in high positions or great responsibilities. Modern stressful life and high society stress can contribute to such issues. Junk food, sedentary life, liquor, smoking and other stimulants may also be partly to blame. The patient is often irritable. He cannot tolerate cold.
4. Opium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia with sleepiness
When there is sleepiness most part of the day but failure to get proper sleep, Opium is one of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia. Light sleep is a prominent symptom of opium. Distant noises like barking of a dog at a distance may disturb him. This insomnia may originate from a fright. Children often dream of dogs, witches and other horrible forms which disturb their sleep.
5. Stramonium – One of the best homeopathic medicines for insomnia in darkness
When the patient is unable to sleep in dark, Stramonium is one of the best homeopathic medicines for sleeplessness. He or she often wakes up terrified and screams with fright. The patient cannot bear solitude or darkness.
iI can not sleep Only tossing this side or the other side Sometimes it is 6am AND I get up to wash and brush my teeth. I am of 78 yrs Many a thinking in the mind comes the whole night And worried for my son staying away from me out of grudge of age 45yrs.