Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published June 15, 2024, Last updated June 15, 2024

Berger’s disease or IgA nephropathy is a glomerular kidney disease in which IgA antibodies get deposited in the kidneys. This causes inflammation in the glomeruli of the kidneys and damages them. The following homeopathic medicines for IgA Nephropathy are very effective –
- Terebinthina
- Apis Me
- Phosphorus
- Arsenic Album
- Cantharis
Before we come to the symptoms suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy, let us understand the disease in a little more detail.
What is IgA Nephropathy?
Nephropathy means a disease of the kidney in which the kidney function deteriorates. IgA nephropathy or Berger’s disease is an autoimmune disease. IgAN is a common name for it. IgA or Immunoglobulin A is an antibody which fights any antigen that invades the body. These antibodies are the mechanism of the body’s immunity to keep itself healthy. When these antibodies clog the glomeruli of the kidneys in response to an antigen, they obstruct the normal kidney function. We call it IgA nephropathy or Berger’s disease.
What causes IgA nephropathy?
IgA nephropathy is an autoimmune disease. This means that the body’s natural immunity is attacking and harming one’s own body instead of protecting it. The normal defense mechanism goes haywire and starts firing disproportionately to even a slight stimulus of an antigen.
The IgA antibodies get stuck in the glomeruli of the kidneys causing inflammation. This inflamed kidney structure is unable to work normally. The processes that are otherwise seamlessly performed don’t occur. Protein and blood which are normally retained by the kidney while filtering are not retained completely and they leak into the urine.
Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy
In most of the cases, there are hardly any symptoms in the initial stages of the disease. The patient would not even come to know of any illness. As the disease progresses, some mild symptoms start to appear. The most common symptoms are –
- Albumin in urine – the kidneys are not able to retain the albumin or protein while filtering the blood. This causes the albumin to leak out into the urine. As the disease progresses, the amount of albumin in urine may go up.
- Frothy urine – the urine seems to be frothy. This is largely due to the protein leaking out into the urine.
- Dark urine – colour of urine may become dark, brownish or reddish due to the presence of blood in urine. The kidneys are not able to retain the blood which is supposed to be retained in the body and not leak out into the urine. The exact colour of urine depends upon the amount of blood present. Traces of blood may not make any visible change in the colour of urine while frank bleeding may alter it visibly.
- Back pain – there may be pain in the back just below the ribs or in the flanks. This is due to the inflammation of the structure of the kidneys.
- Swelling in hands and feet- hands and feet may swell and become oedematous. Swelling in the feet is visible earlier as we tend to hang our feet down most of the time. This is due to the extracellular fluid in the tissues.
- High Blood Pressure – hypertension is a common symptom of IgA nephropathy. It is very important to keep it under control.
Weakness and fatigue – this is a common symptom where the patients feel lack of energy. They often express it as lethargy or weakness.
Homeopathic Treatment of IgA nephropathy
Homeopathy treats IgA nephropathy just like any other auto-immune disease. The medicines that match the symptoms of the patient work on body’s natural immunity. The immune system which has gone haywire is slowly but surely brought on track. Once the immunity starts working in the proper desired manner, the IgA antibodies don’t clog the glomeruli of the kidneys. The normal kidney function gets restored and proteinuria, the foamy urine, the blood in urine and other symptoms disappear.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for IgA Nephropathy
Here is a small but very useful list of the 5 best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy for your referral. This is by no means an exhaustive list. One often needs to go beyond these 5 medicines for the treatment of this disease. The selection of the right medicine is purely dependent upon matching of the prominent symptoms in the patient with those of the medicines. It is a serious disease and you should not try to do self-medication.
1. Terebinthina – One of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy with constant tenesmus
2. Apis Mel – One of the best homeopathic remedies for IgA nephropathy with thirstlessness and edema
3. Phosphorus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy with with thirst for cold water
4. Arsenic- One of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy with after abuse of alcohol
5. Cantharis – One of the best homeopathic remedies for IgA nephropathy with with burning in urine
Here is a brief description of the symptoms of the medicines which indicate the usage of the specific medicine.
1. Terebinthina – One of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy with constant tenesmus
When there is constant tenesmus, Terbinthina is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Iga nephropathy. There is burning pain in the region of the kidneys. A drawing sensation exists in the right kidney which extends to the right hip. The urine may be bloody, scanty or suppressed.
2. Apis Mel – One of the best homeopathic remedies for IgA nephropathy with red edematous swelling
When there is edematous swelling and redness of the affected part, Apis Mel is one of the best homeopathic remedies for IgA nephropathy or Berger’s disease. There are stinging pains in the affected parts. The patient hardly feels thirsty. Urine is suppressed and loaded with casts.
3. Phosphorus – One of the best homeopathic remedies for IgA nephropathy with thirst for cold water
When there is intense thirst and desire for ice cold water, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Berger’s disease. The patient is usually tall, thin and narrow chested. This medicine tends to irritate, inflame the mucous membranes all over the body. It can cause haemorrhage in the kidneys too. The urine is turbid, brown and with red sediment.
4. Arsenic- One of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy with after abuse of alcohol
When the problem starts as a result of persistent abuse of alcohol, Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Berger’s disease. The patient has a lot of restlessness and anxiety. There is thirst for small quantities of water though he drinks frequently. Weakness is another prominent symptom of this medicine. He gets exhausted after the slightest effort. There is a feeling of weakness even after passing urine.
5. Cantharis – One of the best homeopathic treatment for IgA nephropathy with burning in urine
When there is intense burning in the urethra while passing urine, Cantharis is one of the best homeopathic medicines for IgA nephropathy. There is frequent urging to urinate even though only a small quantity of urine is passed. Bloody urine is present with nephritis. The urine is jelly like in appearance.
My wife diagnosed iga nephropathy in march 2022 now creatomine level is 3.9 I’m such condition pls suggest what to do.
I know in allopathic there is no treatment of iga nephropathy. In homeopathy any medicine is availbel dor iga nephropathy ?
Iga causes my kidney failoure and now ই am on dialysis ।From 1992 Iga present ।I was in homeopathy সিনে then।বাট no cure।
What is the বেস্ট medecine
My ইমেইল idis sujit000nandy@জিমেইল,com
Iga Nephropathy…
I was diagnosed Iga nephropathy four years ago. My doctor initially prescribe me the following medications and tell me that Iga nephropathy is not cureable.
1- inograf 1mg two tablet twice daily
2- septran twice daily
3- deltacartil 5 mg 6 tablets at morning
4- Chewcal twice daily
5- Rovista 10 mg one tablet at night.
Now my face, legs and feet are swelling.
Kindly let me know the treatment of my disease is available in India or other countries as doctor tell me Iga nephropathy is not cureable.
My boy age is 8 years last year indengu fewer attack after complit blood in urine only one day after we admitted to hospital after one year light pink urine coming my boy pee and RBC in pee after eating pee regularly and some times protine 1+
My husband is diagnosed with iga nephropathy currently he is on dialysis is there any cure in homeopathy can iga nephropathy be reversed through homeopathy
I am 19 years old and diagnosed with IgA nephropathy a month back , is homeopathy a safe option as allopathy has no medicine for this
Iga nephropathy can be cure fully by taking homeopathic medicine?
My mother is diabetic and high blood pressure patient, her urine creatinine is high, swelling in foot , albumin in urine lots of complication have her please tell me doctor for treat her or revive her kidney
Can IgA nephropathy with creatinine level 9.35 treates with homoeopathy
My son is 19 years old discovered to have proteinurea
Then kidney biopsy showed IgA nephropathy
I wounder if you can help me
He did not start any therapy
I am being investigated with Iga Nephropathy problem in Kidney Biopsy test and doctor has advised some medicines which i started using which involves some steroids and supporting medicines. As i am reading there is no cure for this but can only be slowed down of the effect of disease.
I was looking if there is any medicine which can cure in Homeopathy medicines which can completely cure this disease.
I need treatment for IGA nephropathy