5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocephalus

Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma

Published July 7, 2023, Last updated July 7, 2023

Homeopathic medicines for Hydrocephalus are very effective. They can help treat the root cause of the problem.

Hydrocephalus is the buildup of fluid in the cavities that are present in the brain. These cavities are the ventricles of the brain. Buildup of fluid or water in the ventricles of the brain leads to increased size of the brain and thus that of the head. The pressure within the brain increases and it is not able to function normally. This can cause developmental disorders. The following homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus are very effective  –

1. Apis Mel
2. Calcarea Carb
3. Merc Sol
4. Silicea
5. Zincum met

Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these individual medicines for the treatment of hydrocephalus, let us understand the cause and symptoms of hydrocephalus.

What is Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus can occur at any age but more commonly occurs during infancy. As I have mentioned at the beginning, hydrocephalus is the collection of cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF) inside the ventricles of the brain. CSF is the colorless fluid that cushions the brain from injury. The tissues surrounding the ventricles of the brain produce this CSF. It flows inside the brain and the spinal cord. Ultimately, the blood absorbs the fluid.

Abnormally high collection of this otherwise normal fluid puts pressure on the brain as it takes up space meant for the brain inside the skull. The brain is unable to grow properly and proportionately. It hinders the functioning of the brain too, leading to developmental issues. The size of the head grows disproportionately and stands out visibly from the rest of the body.

What causes Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus may be present at birth or develop later on in life, more commonly in childhood. Genetic inheritance is present in some cases but more commonly it may be due to some causes like Spina Bifida or Encaphelocele. It may also occur due to head injury, brain tumors or infections like meningitis.

Broadly speaking, hydrocephalus occurs due to the imbalance of the production and absorption of the CSF. Normally, some amount of CSF is produced daily and a similar amount is absorbed in the blood on a daily basis. Whenever there is an imbalance resulting in either overproduction of CSF or a reduced absorption, it can result in hydrocephalus. The common reasons for hydrocephalus are as follows –

1. Obstruction of CSF – Blockage of the flow of CSF within the brain from one ventricle to another or from the brain down into the spinal cord may result in collection of the CSF inside the brain.

2. Reduced absorption – In some cases, the absorption of the CSF is less and this can result in a collection of the fluid in the brain.

3. Overproduction – Occasionally, there may be overproduction of the CSF, resulting in hydrocephalus.

Symptoms of Hydrocephalus

There is some variation in the signs and symptoms according to the age of the patients. In infants, the symptoms may not be the same as that in adults. The major symptoms in infants are as under –

  • Increase in the size of the head – The size of the head increases rapidly and disproportionately to the rest of the body.
  • Bulge on the top of the head- there may be some bulge on the top of the head.
  • Vomiting – there may be persistent vomiting.
  • Seizures – in some cases, seizures are also present.
  • Difficulty in feeding – the infant may find it difficult to take feed.

In Children-

  • Headache – it is commonly present in the case of older children.
  • Visual disturbance – the vision may be blurry or double.
  • Nausea or vomiting- nausea or vomiting are commonly present.
  • Slow development- the child may not be able to achieve age appropriate developmental goals.

In adults –

  • Walking difficulty – the patient may feel difficulty in walking or he may express it that his feet seem to be getting stuck.
  • Slowing of movements – the movements tend to slow down.
  • Dementia – loss of memory is another common symptom.
  • Poor coordination – there may be difficulty performing tasks that require coordination of different muscle groups or hand eye coordination.
  • Headaches- common and early symptom is headache.

Treatment of Hydrocephalus

Mainstay of the modern medicine’s treatment for hydrocephalus is the surgical placement of a shunt. This shunt allows the drainage of the excess CSF into the chest or abdomen, where it is absorbed by the blood. The difficulty with this treatment is that after some time, the shunt gets blocked or infected. This requires replacement of the shunt and means another surgery.

Homeopathic treatment of Hydrocephalus

Homeopathic medicines improve the natural functioning of the CSF production and absorption. In case there is excess production, the homeopathic medicines are able to reduce the excess production. When the buildup of CSF is due to poor absorption, homeopathic medicines are able to improve the absorption of the CSF in the blood. This allows the balance of the CSF to remain in healthy proportion and the brain to develop in a normal manner.

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocephalus-

The following 5 homeopathic medicines have proved their efficacy in hundreds of cases of hydrocephalus. At times, one needs to go beyond these five depending upon the symptoms of the patient. Therefore, this is not an exhaustive list of the medicines but an indicative one based on personal experience.

1. Apis Mel – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with thirstlessness

2. Calcarea Carb – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with open fontanelles

3. Merc Sol – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with increased sweating

4. Silicea – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with sensitiveness to cold

5. Zinc Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with rolling of head from side to side

I am giving a few important pointers which indicate the usage of these medicines in individual cases. This is by no means an exhaustive list of medicines and the important pointers too are just that- important pointers. They too are not all the symptoms that indicate a particular medicine. One has to go into finer details to select the right medicine for each patient and is a job best left to an experienced homeopath.

1. Apis Mel – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with thirstlessness

When there is increased thirstlessness with hydrocephalus, Apis Mel is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus. The patient keeps on screaming with sudden shrill piercing screams. Stinging and stabbing pains are often present. There is heat and throbbing in the head. The patient wants to remain in a cool place and cannot tolerate heat in any form.

2. Calcarea Carb – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with open fontanelles

When the fontanelles remain open along with hydrocephalus, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus. The patient is often chubby. Hands and feet remain cold. The patient scratches head on waking. Sweating on the head is marked, more so while sleeping so much so that the pillow gets wet.

3. Merc Sol – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with increased sweating

When there is increased sweating all over the body along with hydrocephalus, Merc Sol is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus. The scalp is tense and there is oily sweat on the head. There is vertigo when lying on back. Prostration, trembling and weariness are common and increased with sweating. Tremors are also common.

4. Silicea – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with sensitiveness to cold

When there is increased sensitiveness to cold, Silicea is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus. It often helps those who had one or the other bad effect of vaccinations. Epilepsy may also be present. The patient feels better by wrapping the head warmly and by lying on the left side.

5. Zinc Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus with rolling of head from side to side

When the patient rolls his head from side to side, Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocephalus. He bores his head into the pillow. There is weight on the vertex region along with pain in the occipital region. Forehead remains cool while the base of the brain remains hot. Automatic motion of hands and head is another prominent symptom.



N.B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Queries on 5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocephalus
  1. Hi Doctor mere pappa suffering from normal pressure hydrocephalus his age 74 and doctors saying it’s not cure by medicine but we don’t want to do operation plz can u tell me any suggession and can we cure by homeo medicines,he can’t control urine and some time he lost his memory specially at night time and from 20 day he is suffering from headache also plz suggest me how to cure this by homeomeducines.

  2. I have hydrocephalus that was discovered 9yrs ago after a CT scan because I had been hit by a car and had many injuries. I ultimately developed Post Concussion Syndrome after falling again and incurring another concussion. I had a long rest of 9 months after the 2nd hit to my head and then began walking again, 2-4 miles at a time. I had lost the ability to dance but as long as I could walk life was worth living. After the covid lockdowns in NYC, I did not walk for 10 months. When we were let out again, I could only walk 2 blocks and then developed a left foot that would drag and cause me to trip. It is not a drop foot as I have dorsiflexion. My vestibular specialist believes it is caused by motor disfunction. Is there any way homeopathy might help the ventricles in my brain. I have moderate to severe ventriculomegaly?

  3. I I Have been diagnosed with hydrocephalus as a result of an MRI. I have met with a neurosurgeon who says I need the operation that installs the shunt inside my head.
    I don’t want this. I would very much like to speak with a homeopathic doctor who might be able to help me. I am only suffering from mild headaches at this time and that seems to be stable, at this time. I am 76 years old.

  4. Meri baby 12 month ki sir me 15 mm ka hydrocephalus hai ..sir hilati hai .pasina bhi aata hai .garmi use acchi nhi lagti..ilaj bataye

  5. Mere beti ko hydrocephalus hai jo abhi 3 months ki hui hai homeopathy treatment chal raha hai kya wo sahi ho jayegi aur samanya jeevan jii sakegi

  6. Sir 7manth pe beby huaa hai uske sir me Pani Jada bhar jata hai or csf .362 kya hemopothi me ilaj hai

  7. Sir my baby is 5months old she is suffering from hydrocephalus I don’t like shunt.my Q.is this-these can cure my baby.how will take time to recover? Thanks sir

  8. Good evening sir, I am Ramadevi from Visakhapatnam, 2 months onwards my husband is suffering with hydrocephalus, now he is in hospital in unconscious pl try to suggest best homeo medicine for hydrocephalus

  9. My baby is spina bifida with non communicative hydrocephalus patients.but frontal forehead was swallon since birth but now it has reduced.please we donot want shunt please.thank.

  10. My son is 7 months old,he having dandy Walker with hydrocephalus.Present head circumference is 48.Is there any complete homeopathy treatment to cure for my son’s problem.

  11. My 45 days suffering from hydrocephalus, I am looking for expert and experienced doctor for such treatment.
    I am reachable on call and WhatsApp at +91-8072865470

  12. Sir my grandma is 66, and he got suffered by hydrocephalus. her symptoms are poor vision and feeling exhausted. we can’t find any better for her. plese suggest the best medicine.

  13. These medicines have any side effects on baby ?
    Can we give it to baby surffering from hydroceaplus ?
