Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published December 16, 2023, Last updated December 16, 2023

Hydrocele is a medical condition in males in which the scrotum swells due to water in a sac around the testicles. The following homeopathic medicines for hydrocele are very effective in its treatment –
- Apis Mel
- Arnica
- Conium
- Graphites
- Pulsatilla
Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these medicines in each individual case, let us know a little more about hydrocele, its causes, symptoms and management.
What is Hydrocele?
As I have mentioned earlier, Hydrocele means a condition in which water accumulates in a sac which surrounds the testicles in a male. ‘Hydro’ means water and ‘cele’ means a tumor like growth or swelling. The testicles are situated in a pouch of skin called scrotum. When hydrocele occurs, the patient feels a swelling inside the scrotum. As it progresses, the size of the scrotum itself may increase.
Incidence of Hydrocele
Hydrocele is much more common in infants although it does happen later in life also. Many infants are born with hydrocele and we call it congenital hydrocele. Almost 1 in 10 infants are born with a hydrocele though it gets better on its own in the first year of life. About 1 in 100 adult males may get a hydrocele.
What causes Hydrocele?
Normally, the testicles descend from the developing baby’s stomach area into its scrotum. The testicles are encased in a sac which has fluid in it. This fluid gets absorbed quickly but in some cases it takes time to do so. This is congenital hydrocele.
Sometimes, fluid fills up in the sac later on in life because of an injury, trauma, inflammation or infection. This happens more commonly in adults after the age of 40. Although less common, but this can also occur because of hernia.
What are the symptoms of Hydrocele?
Usually, hydrocele does not cause any symptoms except swelling of the scrotum. One feels some discomfort because of the swelling. The size of the scrotum increases due to swelling. As the swelling increases, one starts feeling heaviness of the scrotum and even pain. This swelling can be worse in the morning than evening.
Treatment of Hydrocele
Most hydroceles resolve on their own and without any treatment. This is especially true in infants. Often, infants who have hydrocele get better on their own as they reach their first birthday. Those hydroceles which do not resolve on their own need treatment.
In the modern system of medicine, surgery is the only advice that doctors give to patients. This is actually not required as Homoeopathy has a very effective treatment for hydrocele.
Homeopathic treatment for Hydrocele
Homeopathy is quite effective in the treatment of hydrocele. Homeopathic medicines can help absorb the water trapped in the sac surrounding the testicles. As the water gets absorbed, the swelling starts subsiding.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Hydrocele
While there are many homeopathic medicines that come into use for the treatment of Hydrocele, the following 5 homeopathic medicines are much more commonly put to use and show very good results-
1. Apis Mel – One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with burning and redness
2. Arnica – One of the best homeopathic remedies for hydrocele due to injury
3. Conium-One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with weakness
4. Graphites-One of the best homeopathic remedies for hydrocele with constipation
5. Pulsatilla-One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with pain from abdomen to testicles
Here is a brief description of the symptoms pointing to the use of these homeopathic medicines. One must understand that this is in no way an invitation to self medication. Rather, it is just for better understanding of the way Homeopathy uses symptomatology to differentiate between two seemingly similar cases.
1. Apis- One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with burning and redness
When there is burning and redness in the scrotal area, Apis is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele. Oedema and stinging pains are the characteristic symptoms pointing to the use of this medicine. Incidentally, it is made from the honey bee and the signature pain of a bee sting is felt when this medicine is indicated. The patient cannot tolerate heat. Thirst is quite less. There is extreme sensitiveness to touch.
2. Arnica –One of the best homeopathic remedies for hydrocele due to injury
When hydrocele occurs due to an injury, Arnica is one of the best homeopathic remedies for hydrocele. There is a soreness that runs through the remedy and indicates its use. The patient feels lame and bruised as if beaten. Blood vessels are relaxed and there is blackish or bluish discoloration.
3. Conium –One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with weakness
When there is increased weakness with hydrocele, Conium is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele. The testicles are hard and enlarged. All troubles are worse lying down or turning in bed. Trembling and weakness are quite marked.
4. Graphites – One of the best homeopathic remedies for hydrocele with constipation
When there is a concomitant symptom of constipation, Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele. The patient is often fat and chilly. Constipation with large, knotty stools united by threads of mucous is characteristic of this remedy. Skin symptoms too are quite prominent. There may be hard and thick eruption which ooze thick, sticky liquid.
5. Pulsatilla- One of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele with pain from abdomen to testicles
When there is pain extending from abdomen to testicles, Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hydrocele. We often think of this remedy for females but it is equally effective for males when the symptoms match. The patient is often thirstless and can hardly drink. He may not be able to tolerate heat in any form.
Dear Sir, I am 67 years old, My right side testicle gets large and swelling very slowly since 1975 due to may be injury or had ringworm. Now it have pain which extends to right side hip and right side thigh. Please suggest what to do. I feel very thirsty after half an hour interval and like bitter, sour, chilly tested food. Like cold water, winter session, very much emotional, easily cry , can not resist emotions, like loneliness, can not find correct words when talk….
Dear Sir,
My right side testicle gets large and swelling very slowly since 1975 due to may be injury or had ringworm. Now it have pain which extends to right side hip and right side thigh. Please suggest what to do.