Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published November 22, 2024, Last updated November 22, 2024

Foot Drop is the inability to lift the forepart of the foot. This happens due to the weakness of the muscles of the foot or due to some nerve issues. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for foot drop are very effective –
- Arnica
- Hypericum
- Lathyrus
- Rhus Tox
- Plumbum Met
Before we come to the details of these medicines and their usage, let us understand the issue in a little more detail.
What is Foot Drop?
As I have mentioned at the outset, foot drop means that one is not able to raise the forepart of the foot. This happens due to either weakness of the muscles that raise the front part of the foot or the nerves that control the movement of those muscles. When one is unable to raise the foot properly, he or she tends to raise the whole leg much more than the other leg and this makes the gait a little awkward. Risk of an injury also increases as one may fall down and hurt oneself.
What are the symptoms of Foot Drop?
The symptoms of foot drop are self-evident. As the patient is unable to lift the forepart of the foot, he or she finds it difficult to walk properly and tends to drag the foot. Natural compensation for this inability to lift the foot is that one tends to raise the thigh or leg much more than the other normal leg so as to clear the floor easily. An awkward gait is the most visible symptom. In some cases, there may be numbness of the top of the foot as the nerves of the foot may be involved.
What are the causes of Foot Drop?
Weakness or paralysis of the muscles of the foot leads to the condition. The muscles that dorsiflex the foot namely the Tibialis Anterior, the Extensor Hallucis Longus and the Extensor Digitorum Longus are the ones that control the forepart of the foot and its backward bending movement. When these muscles weaken or the nerves that control these muscles are impinged upon, Foot Drop results. Lumbar Radiculopathy and Peroneal nerve injury can cause this condition.
Lumbar radiculopathy means that the nerve at the L5 level gets compressed. This occurs due to the narrowing of the space where the nerves exit the lumbar spine. Lumbar spondylosis, herniated disc and spinal stenosis can cause the narrowing of the space and impingement on the nerve.
The Peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve which travels from the back down the thigh and up to the lower leg. It is responsible for the sensation in the foot and toes.
Injuries or fractures of the knee, ankle and foot can also result in foot drop. At the same time, inflammatory diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis and SLE can also be responsible for this condition in some cases.
Management of Foot Drop
Where the muscles are the cause of the problem, one needs to strengthen the muscles. In such cases exercising the foot muscles responsible for dorsiflexion and strengthening them is helpful. It takes time for the muscles to regain their normal function and one needs to be patient.
When the cause is nervous in origin, one needs to know the nerve involved and act accordingly. If the problem has occurred due to lumbar spondylosis, then one should avoid bending forward or lifting weights. At the same time, bending one’s back backwards is very helpful and will be able to relieve the nerve impingement over a period of time.
Homeopathy for Foot Drop
Homeopathy has given good results in cases of foot drop whether it is due to nervous cause or muscular cause. Although, one needs to be patient and take medicines for some time continuously, the results are very encouraging. Homeopathy works on strengthening the natural healing powers of the body and allows it to heal itself. Rest, targeted exercise and appropriate diet are essential in such cases to support the body’s natural healing powers.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Foot Drop
Here are the most commonly used homeopathic medicines for foot drop. These medicines are very helpful and are able to cover a majority of the cases. But this does not in any way mean that these are the only medicines that may be needed or that there are no other medicines that can help treat the problem.
1. Arnica – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop resulting from injury
2. Hypericum – One of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop with nerve involvement
3. Lathyrus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop with paralysis
4. Rhus Tox – One of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop worse after rest
5. Plumbum Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop with hyperesthesia
A few pointers to the use of these medicines are being given here. This is just to make sure that you understand that one can differentiate between patients seemingly suffering from the same disease diagnosis on the basis of differences in symptoms.
1. Arnica – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop resulting from injury
When the foot drop results from an injury, whatsoever it may be, Arnica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop. There may be a sore bruised feeling or sensation in the affected parts. There is soreness after exertion. Every surface that the body touches feels hard. The weakness in the foot feels worse after motion.
2. Hypericum – One of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop with nerve involvement
When the trouble results from nerve involvement, whether in the back or the limb, Hypericum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop. Hypericum works wonders for injury to any nerve of the body. Even if the problem originates due to an injury of the nerve as in a trauma, this medicine is very effective. There is excessive pain in addition to the usual symptoms.
3. Lathyrus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop with paralysis
When the foot drop happens due to paralysis of the muscles of the foot, Lathyrus is one of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop. The gait of the patient is tottering and the finger tips are numb. There may be excessive rigidity of the limbs. The toes do not leave the floor.
4. Rhus Tox – One of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop worse after rest
When the symptoms get worse after rest, Rhus Tox is one of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop. The patient feels better after a little bit of motion but the first few steps are the worst. There is restlessness. Tingling in feet is another prominent symptom. He cannot tolerate cold air as it tends to cause pain.
5. Plumbum Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot drop with hyperesthesia
When there is increased sensitivity of the limbs, Plumbum Met is one of the best homeopathic remedies for foot drop. The feet may swell. The limbs atrophy and there is increased pain and sensitivity in the affected foot. There is stinging, twitching, tearing and trembling of the body parts.