Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published February 16, 2024, Last updated February 16, 2024

Diabetes can affect your nerves and damage them. This damage to the nerves is called diabetic neuropathy. It is most common in the nerves of your feet and legs. Since the peripheral nerves are involved in such cases, it is called peripheral neuropathy. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy are very effective –
- Carbon Sulph
- Zincum Met
- Phosphorus
- Secale Cor
- Arsenic Album
Before we come to the details of the symptoms pointing to the use of these remedies, let us understand the disease a little better.
What is Diabetic Neuropathy?
Diabetic neuropathy is the damage to the nerves of the body due to persistently high blood glucose levels. It can affect all nerves throughout the body. Diabetes can damage motor nerves as well as sensory nerves. The risk of diabetic neuropathy increases with passing time and the longer you have diabetes, more your risk. Simply speaking, blood sugar levels remaining too high for too long can damage the nerves.
What causes Diabetic Neuropathy?
The exact cause and mechanism of diabetic neuropathy is not known. Certain important contributory factors are as follows-
- High blood sugar – Sustained high blood sugar levels for a long time tend to cause damage to the nerves. Increased blood glucose level causes chemical changes in the nerves and dampens their ability to transmit nerve signals to brain and from brain to various body parts.
- Damage to blood vessels – Diabetes damages the blood vessels and this leads to decreased oxygen supply to various body parts and muscles.
- Lipids – High cholesterol and triglycerides which often increase in diabetes can also damage the nerves.
- Obesity – Being overweight also tends to increase the damage to the nerves.
- Smoking – Smoking further increases the damage to the nerves and increases chances of diabetic neuropathy.
Types of diabetic neuropathy
There are mainly 4 types of diabetic neuropathy-
1. Peripheral Neuropathy – Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is by far the most common form of neuropathy. It affects mainly the nerves of the feet and legs, though it can also affect the arms or hands. The common symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy are tingling in the feet, numbness, sensitivity to touch and muscle weakness. Diabetic neuropathy patients often do not feel pain in the feet when their feet get injured or burnt.
2. Autonomic Neuropathy – The autonomic nervous system is the one on which we don’t have conscious control. This includes the heart, the digestive system, libido and the sweat glands. Diabetic neuropathy can damage the autonomic nervous system too. This can lead to slowing down of the digestive system, constipation, palpitations, erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, vertigo, shortness of breath and increased sweating.
3. Proximal neuropathy – This type of neuropathy is also known as diabetic amyotrophy. It is more common in men above 50 years of age. This can happen even in those who have fairly good control of their blood glucose. It affects hips, buttocks, thighs or legs. There may be sudden pain in your lower limbs. This pain can be quite severe at times, making it even difficult to stand. It usually affects one side of the body.
4. Focal neuropathy – It affects mainly one nerve or group of nerves of the body. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common example of such focal neuropathy. Such symptoms often get better after some time.
Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
Although symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy differ according to the type of the neuropathy, the main symptoms are as follows-
- Tingling sensation in the toes and feet
- Numbness of the toes and feet
- Sensitivity to touch which seems extraordinarily increased
- Severe pain in the toes and feet
- Weakness of the lower limbs
- Pain in buttocks, thighs or legs
- Loss of thigh muscles
- Loss of balance and coordination while walking
- Foot drop
- Difficulty in rising from a sitting position
- One sided facial paralysis
- Vision disturbance like double vision
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Change in normal sweating pattern
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Slowing digestion
- Bloating, heartburn and nausea
- Constipation
- Palpitations
- Erectile dysfunction in men
- Vaginal dryness in women
Homeopathic treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy
There is a very common perception that diabetic neuropathy is progressive and it cannot be stopped. This is not true. Diabetic neuropathy can be treated with homeopathy just like any other disease. The only thing that you should make sure is that blood glucose levels should remain within the acceptable range. For this it is very important that you should follow a regular exercise routine.
Management of Blood Glucose levels by maintaining muscle mass
All muscles of the body need exercise so that they do not atrophy over time. Human beings start losing 1% of their muscle mass every year as they cross the age of 40. Therefore, it is necessary that you follow a routine in which all muscles of the body, more so that of your back, abdomen and thighs which have the biggest muscles, get enough exercise at least twice a week. Strength and resistance training have a very important part in maintaining muscle mass. Therefore, you should not just rely on walk alone. A combination of strength and resistance training along with gentle stretching as in Yoga goes a long way in maintaining good muscle mass as well as flexibility of the body. So you can do Yoga three days a week and exercise three days a week.
5 best Homeopathic medicines for Diabetic Neuropathy
1. Carbon Sulph – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with unsteady gait
2. Zincum Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with fidgety feet
3. Phosphorus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with ascending sensory paralysis
4. Secale Cor – One of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy with icy coldness of extremities
5. Arsenic Album- One of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy with burning pains
I am giving a few indicative symptoms of the above mentioned medicines for your benefit. It is not possible to give a detailed symptomatology of all the medicines as it will be too time consuming and will only end up confusing you. These are just indicative symptoms and by no means exhaustive.
1. Carbon Sulph – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with unsteady gait
When unsteady gait is a prominent symptom, Carbon Sulph is one of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy. The patient totters and is worse in the dark. The feet and the fingers remain insensible. There is lightning like pain in the lower limbs, with cramps and formication. The limbs remain sore and bruised.
2. Zincum Met – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with fidgety feet
When the feet are constantly fidgety, Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy. The patient is restless and cannot keep still. The feet remain in constant motion. There is weakness, trembling and twitching of the various muscles. Soles of feet are sensitive and the patient keeps the whole foot on the floor, so as to avoid pressure on any one area.
3. Phosphorus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy with ascending sensory paralysis
When there is ascending sensory paralysis, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetic neuropathy. There is numbness in the toes of the feet. Slowly, this numbness spreads upwards. The patient is usually tall and thin. Increased thirst for ice cold water is another prominent symptom indicating this remedy. There is weakness and trembling and the patient is hardly able to hold anything with his hands.
4. Secale Cor – One of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy with icy coldness of extremities
When there is icy coldness of extremities, Secale Cor is one of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy. The interesting part is that the patient does not like to cover the parts even when they are icy cold. There is shriveling and numbness of the toes and fingers. There is pain and spasmodic movement of the limbs. Tingling in toes is another common symptom. Formication under the skin is present. The skin is often blue.
5. Arsenic Album- One of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy with burning pains
When there are burning pains in the feet and hands, Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic remedies for diabetic neuropathy. The burning is uncharacteristically better by application of warmth. Ulcers may form on the feet. The lower limbs atrophy. There is lot of anxiety and restlessness. Thirst is increased though the patient drinks a little at a time. The slightest exertion causes weakness and total exhaustion.
i am having peripheral neuropathy for the past 6 months. Burning ,tingling and restless legs .Please advice. I am a diabetic for the past 10 yrs and my age is 57 yrs. I stayed in Mumbai, Wadala
I’m 65 male, diagnosed diabetes from 2013 (approximately 12 years, I feel muscle pain almost whole body especially both legs and feel burning sensation in lower portion and specially in the feets since five years, so please advise me, I will remain grateful for ever…thank you so much.
diabetic since 26 years. male, 67. AIC 7 around. Used to take 2 pegs of whisky every night.
Last 6 months right foot heavy and burning pricking sensation. Position of left foot better than right one but has similar issue.
Give me advice for diabetic neuropathy
I am Mrs. Saldanha, a senior citizen. The diabetes of mine started in 2011 due to tension. My parents or other siblings never had diabetes. Then slowly is reduced and was normal but due to increased tension I fell a prey to it. Now since four years it is normal. Since lock down started I stopped going out and I started getting irritating pain, tickling, burning sensation and numbness in the feet and pain in the calfs and legs. I find it very difficult to walk or move about freely due to fatness. I never new that this was neuropathic pain as and when I visited the doctor he said it was due to uric acid for nearly 1.5years I took the tablets but stopped it as my uric acid report was just to normal. After reading it on Google I came to know this pain of mine is due to neuropathy. DR. CAN YOU PLEASE SUGGEST A REMEDY.
Good and useful to many people who cannot visit a doctor
Best medicine for diabetic neuropathy?
Good and useful to many people who cannot visit a doctor
I am diabetic patient with 12 years .I my problem is foot pain and burning.
I am suffering from diabetic periferal nuropathy since last ten years ,give medicine for curing the same
Suffering from acute peripheral neuropathy for quite some time, kindly suggest suitable medicine,
I am suffering from peripherial neuropathy due to controlled blood sugar (FP-100&PP- 154) Leg & Hand pain,numbness & irritation at night after 10 pm resulting insomania. Please suggest suitable homepathy medicine. Regards
Dr. Sir I am 72 year old and a diabitic from last 30 years having pherefreal neuropathy since long. I am facing numbness and tingling in my both feet & toes.Now from the last one month I am feeling numbness & weekness in my left leg and very heavyness particularly when I wake up in the morning. Feels like paralyzed. I daily walk for half an hour and do excersize in the morning. Pl. Advise some madicien. Thanks
I am a patient of neuropathy diabetes I have also fs left hand culf and pain fully at night which medicine 💉 i s best for me
Reply soon 6.
I am diabetes 2 patient. My sugar range after medication is 130 to 230 but varying 120 to 180 or if I eat some extra food them it rais up to 260 after food.
I am feeling numbness in my right toe fingers and pain in few fingers.
Pls advise for numbness pain reducing medicines with some good sugar control medicines also.
I am suffering from diabetes since 20 years and now from two years feeling numbness and tingling sensation in feet.
Doctor Namaste,
I am RAMAKRISHNA, aged 66years,a diadetic for 22 years. Suffering from MYSTHENIA GRAVIS for the last4 years and taking an Allopathic drug ie
DISTINON daily and feeling relief. For the last two years I am Suffering all the symptoms of DIABETIC NEUROPATHY prominently symptoms of all the five homeo drugs that are referred above. I am not been able to get ,as to where to start.
Sir/Doctor, please correct me, if I mix all the above 5 drugs.
I am having blood pressure , diabetic and liver problem I take alopathic drugs for diabetic and bp I want to know how you can treat my foot ulcer and left toe pain and full foot pain with homeopathy medicine, I am 70 year old. My name is Uma Parameswaran.
sir in homoeopathy is there complete cure for neuropathy or just management or treatment only?
Dear Sir
I am diabetic since last 22yrs.Inam under allopathic medicine.
For the past two weeks suffering from burning sensation and stiffness in the right foot.
Taking Hypericum q three times a day
It had improved But the burning sensation has started again for the past three days.
Please suggest a remedy.
I live in Rome, Italy and would like to know where your best homeopathic doctors are so that I can visit about neuropathy treatment.
I am now 89. I am suffering from diabetic since last 55 years. For tje last six minths I am having neuropathy due to prolonged diabetics. I am taking treatment under alopathic doctor along with diabaricc. I am taking one tablet daily renerve jel. I want to suplemnt with homeopathy please
Gm sir This is the Gopal Krishna from Ballari karnataka. I am diabetic since 10 years. Last July 2022 I had heart attack bipass sargary. Now from last month I have been numb ness in my legs and hands and burning sensation in legs and hands. My sex stamina and errection problem in penis. So please help me sir. Thanks.
Have pain in the legs, arms, shoulder blades, neck and upper back pain.
Applying oil and taking ENervin tabs (ayurvedic) and Lithium carbonicum 3X and managing. But sometimes whole day in one or other body parts giving so much pain and normal functioning is disrupt. I m 69 years old woman. Do you suggest any homeopathy relief?
I am a diabetic patient for more than 20 years. Now sugar levels increased while I am having tingling in legs, loss of sensation and pain in legs for more than 1 year. I am taking English medicines. But disease did not decrease. Kindly suggest Homeo medicine. I shall remain ever grateful to you.
I have no Sensesation in my both legs. I ca n not stand & walk STADIALLY without any support. No balance in legs while stand.
Thanks for the advice to diabetic patient in favour of the homeo treatment about the neuropathy.I also want to know how many medicines applied for one time and it will take time how long? I am waiting for your reply……
Calf muscle pain whole day
I am suffring for last 8months with very high sensitivity and burning feet narpathy. I am diabitic. Please suggest medicine with dose. Thanks
Dear sir
I am Vinod Kumar and have Diabetes type 2 .
Iam affected by numbness in feet fingers, sole and extremities of both hand fingers.
Slow movements and weakness in legs with poor balance in walking.
Please give me Homeopathic medicine name for my diabetic neuropathy treatment.
Thanks and regards
iam suffering from ice coldness of my soles’
canot tolerate cold atmosphere’
my head wants cold
my foot wants heet
general ok
please guide
68 years old weight 53kg height 165cm fasting sugae 162 pp-369 taking 20mg teneligliptin after breakfast,remogliflozin100+vildagliptin 50mg after meals and metformin sr 500 mg+glimipride 2mg after dinner.
Walk app 30minutes every morning.
Having numbness and severe twitching pain at night-diabetic peripheral neuropathy
frequent urination.
feeling very weak and forgetful