Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published October 6, 2023, Last updated October 6, 2023

Dry eye is a condition where the eye is not able to produce enough tears. The following homeopathic medicines for dry eyes are very effective –
- Arsenic Album
- Argentum Nitricum
- Natrum Mur
- Sanicula
- Manganum
Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for dry eyes, let us understand a little more about the problem of dry eyes.
What are Dry Eyes ?
As I have mentioned above, dry eye means that the eye is not able to produce enough tears. It may also mean that the quality of tears may be poor. These tears form a thin film in front of the cornea on every blink. This film keeps the cornea lubricated and allows clear vision. It also helps in keeping the eye clean. Risk of infections also reduces every time a new film spreads over the cornea. We have tears in our eyes even when we are happy. They don’t come only when we cry.
What Causes Dry Eyes?
The tears are a mixture of water, fatty oils and mucous. These tears drain into the nasolachrymal duct which is present near the inner angle of the eye close to the wall of the nose. Anything that causes reduced production of tears or increases the drainage of the tears can cause dry eyes. Poor quality of tears may also be the reason for dry eyes.
In modern world, our lifestyle is quite an important cause of dry eyes. Watching bright screens for long hours and staring at them without blinking the eyes is the major reason for the exponential growth of this problem. Watching TV screen or the computer screen or the mobile screens for long hours continuously is leading to this problem. Usage of ACs is also another common reason. AC causes dryness in the environment and it reflects in our eyes also.
Symptoms of Dry Eyes
Usually the symptoms of dry eyes are bilateral. This means that the patient feels the dryness in both the eyes. The common symptoms of dry eyes are –
- Irritation in the eyes is the most common symptom.
- There is a feeling of some external body like sand in the eye which causes the patient to rub the eyes.
- Redness of the eyes is another common symptom. The white of the eye becomes red because of the irritation and rubbing of the eyes.
- There is a sense of fatigue and heaviness in the eyes.
- Stringy mucous may be present in the eyes more often than usual.
- Intolerance to light may also be present.
- Blurred vision is also another common complaint.
- Difficulty in opening the eyes in the morning may also be present.
- In some cases, dry eyes can cause inflammation and permanent damage to the eyes.
Treatment of Dry Eyes
The routine allopathic treatment is to give some lubricant eye drops. One has to keep using these lubricant eye drops forever. The effect of these lubricant drops lasts for a couple of hours. Thereafter the eyes become dry again. One has to administer the lubricant drops again, sometimes 4-6 times a day.
Prevention of Dry Eyes
It is very important to take some precautions to prevent dry eyes. Here are some of the things that you can do to prevent or at least reduce the problem-
- Take frequent breaks while using a computer or watching a mobile screen or a TV screen.
- Blinking your eyes a little more frequently while looking at a screen is also helpful.
- Keep the position of the computer screen directly in line with your eyes. If the screen is above your line of vision, you will have to open your eyes wider and this will expose more area of your cornea causing evaporation of moisture from your eyes.
- Avoid strong winds, smoke or dirt. Draft of air blowing against your eyes can absorb the moisture in your eyes and cause dryness.
- Avoid high altitudes, desert areas and airplanes as the air has less moisture and causes dryness.
Homeopathic treatment of Dry Eyes
The Homeopathic treatment of dry eyes is much better as it can stimulate your eyes to produce more tears. This is against the backdrop of the allopathic treatment which just prescribes putting in artificial tear drops or lubricants forever. The homeopathic medicines for dry eyes stimulate the lachrymal glands and they are able to produce more tears.
5 best Homeopathic medicines for Dry Eyes
Here are the 5 best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. I have verified the effects of these medicines in my personal practice and can confidently say that these are very effective
1. Arsenic Album – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from artificial light
2. Argentum Nitricum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes on waking
3. Natrum Mur- One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from reading
4. Sanicula- One of the best homeopathic remedies for dry eyes at night
5. Manganum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from looking at bright light
Here is a brief description of these medicines and their symptoms. If the symptoms of these medicines match with that of the patient, I am sure the corresponding medicine will cure the problem of dry eyes in that patient.
1. Arsenic Album – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from artificial light
When the dryness of the eyes is the result of looking at or working in artificial lights, Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. There is burning in eyes. A cutting and acrid watery discharge occurs from the eyes. The patient cannot tolerate light at all. The surprising thing is that there is relief from warm applications. The patient is restless and is anxious, far more than his condition warrants.
2. Argentum Nitricum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes on waking
When the dryness of the eyes is worse on waking, Argentum Nitricum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. There is purulent or pus like discharge from the eyes. The patient is unable to keep the eyes fixed easily. There is eye strain from doing fine work like sewing. There is aching or tired feeling in the eyes which is better from closing the eyes or pressing them.
3. Natrum Mur- One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from reading
When the dryness of the eyes is a result of strain from reading, Natrum Mur is one of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. The eyelids feel heavy. The eye muscles are stiff and weak. There are sparks in front of the eyes. Fiery zigzags appear in front of the eyes. There may even be headache from eye strain.
4. Sanicula- One of the best homeopathic remedies for dry eyes at night
When the dryness of the eyes is worse at night, Sanicula is one of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. There is thick, ropy and tenacious mucus in the eyes. There is watery discharge from the eyes which is worse in cold air and from cold applications.
5. Manganum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes from looking at bright light
When the dry eyes is a result of looking at bright lights, Manganum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for dry eyes. This medicine is coming more and more into use as there is increased usage of mobile phones, laptops and TVs. All these screens have bright lights and they do cause dryness of the eyes.
Hii, my name is satveer kaur, I am suffering from dry eyes for 4 years, I live in canada, I feel relief in india. I took some eye drops but got no long term relief. which medicine you recommend me and where can I get it. thank you
What daily dosage would you recommend and potency 30 or 200
Thank you
I have a glucoma, so, my eyes are dry, plz suggest medicine for this type of dry eyes.
i Yogesh Baijal age 75 years is suffering from watering from both eyes due to that it has become very difficult for me to go anyehere. In dec 2022 Right eye cathard operation has been carried at Sun Eye Hospital by Dr, Sudhir Srivastava but no improvment is being experience by me Still watering from eyes is continuous even using the eye drop and medicine. Before the uperation I regularly used the CIENARIA eye drop. I eill be much oblige if you may very kindly suggest me very good homeo medicine, It is also to inform you that I have started to take NAT MUR 200 daily.
After catract operation my eyes remains dry irritating watering blurr vision
I had cataract surgery 4 months ago and now I’ve developed dry eye and artificial tears are not helping. Please suggest how to get rid of theirs condition.
My son suffering from ocular there any homeopathy treatment for to cure this problem
The mucus and pus like discharge is high in the morning when woke up.
The thick mucus gets stuck on the corner of the eye during the day making the blinking painful.
Even washing eyes with water does not help rather worsen the situation but forced to do so.
Any remedy.
What is the “Potency” and “Dosage” of these medicines?
Do you have any eye drops as well. I do have dry eyes for ten years, I keep applying artificial tears, sometimes it gets stuck and burns the entire day,
Would like to know any remedy for that.
Thank you.
What is the homeopathic remedy for clogged tear glands which is causing dry eyes?
I had cataract surgery in 2015 in Right eye .Now Ihave pain and irritation in both my eyes Opthalamist says you have dry eyes Moreover I my specs number changing in right eye after surgery but constant in left eye I amusing cineria marina homeopathic eye drops since last 4 years Recently I have started Adel 17 drops I have to frequently take citrazin tablet due to Rhinitis PLEASE suggest
My son 25years old suffering from dry eye..kindly help…
My eyes gives pain and gets dry in non humid climatic conditions. Even the fan and AC need to be shut down. difficult to do my job, computers and reading. Need your help for this problem.
I want treatment for my dry eyes
My daughter and I both have the problem of breast calcification. We have had breast surgery for this on one breast each. What can we take to prevent calcification from causing us more problems?
I am suffering from dry eyes for the last five months. I consulted ophtjolologists. Drops were prescribed. I feel presence of gritty material in the eyes. Drops have not helped
Want to get cured from dry eyes problem
Hi, I am Rahul. I have dry eyes since last yr. It gets worsen in artificial light. It starts increasing from 4pm and reaches its hieght at 11:00pm to 12pm.
Arsenic album has been suggested in your website if it increases in artificial light. But what potency should I use for this problem. Is it 30 or 200? If you pls. suggest.
Thank you.
I have dry eye after lasik. Its been 9 years and I am unable to get normal life. I still have power in my eyes and I use specs.
I use computer heavily due to work. My condition get worst after evening. My eyes are worst dry into night. In morning found them glued together due to discharge.
Please help me with medicine which can cure my problem.
Sir, I was hit by a cricket ball in my eye, even after 2 months, I am seeing a slight blur from my eye ,
Now doctors are saying that the eye’s vein is dry
I m suffering from dry eye
I have calcification in my breasts, which homeopathic remedy will remove this? what is the dosage & for how long?
Thank you for your help
Elaine Langdon
What is the medicine if the problem is after driving