5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome

Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma

Published February 23, 2024, Last updated February 23, 2024

Homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome
Gullian Barre Syndrome or GBS

Gullian Barre Syndrome ( GBS) is an autoimmune disorder of the peripheral nerves. In this, the body’s own immunity attacks the peripheral nerves and damages them. This leads to nervous and muscle weakness, loss of reflexes and paralysis. The following homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome are very effective –

1. Conium

2. Causticum

3. Lathyrus

4. Vipera

5. Natrum Mur

Before we come to the symptoms indicating the use of these homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome, let us try to understand the disease a little better.

What is Gullian Barre Syndrome?

GBS was first of all discovered in 1859 by Octave Landry. It came to be known as Landry’s ascending paralysis. 50 years after Octave Landry, Gullian, Barre and Strohl conducted further research and the syndrome came to be known as Gullian Barre Syndrome.

GBS is a rare disorder of the peripheral nervous system. It is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease means that the body’s own immunity starts attacking the body instead of defending it against invading microorganisms.  While other autoimmune diseases attack other parts of the body, GBS attacks the nerves specifically. The body loses the ability to control the muscles through the nervous system. This leads to the symptoms of GBS like tingling in nerves or weakness in muscles and even paralysis.

What causes Gullian Barre Syndrome?

Medical science does not know the exact cause of Gullian Barre Syndrome. No specific germ, bacteria or virus seems to cause it. But a few things have come to light about its incidence. It tends to happen more frequently in people above the age of 50. Men tend to get it more often than women.

It tends to flare up after a bout of an acute illness like a respiratory infection or a stomach infection. More than 60% patients report GBS a few weeks after such a respiratory infection or a diarrhea. A few people develop it after vaccination too. In some other cases, recent history of surgery is also reported. Viral infections like Zika virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus may also lead to subsequent onset of GBS.

Symptoms of GBS

The earliest symptoms of GBS are tingling and weakness starting in your feet and legs. This sensation of tingling and weakness then spreads up the lower limbs to the upper part of the body and the upper limbs. As the disease progresses, this weakness in arms and legs may turn to paralysis. It may take hours, days or in some cases even weeks for the full range of symptoms to manifest themselves. The common signs and symptoms of Gullian Barre Syndrome are as follows-

  • Tingling or pins and needles sensation in your toes, feet, legs, hands and arms
  • Weakness in the feet, legs, hands and feet
  • Unsteady gait or ability to stand
  • Progressive paralysis of the limbs
  • Slower muscle movements of face and eyes causing difficulty in speaking, chewing and swallowing
  • Double vision or even inability to move the eyes or close the eyelids
  • Respiratory difficulty

Is GBS contagious?

No, GBS is not contagious. It does not spread from one person to another. It is an autoimmune disorder. The body’s immunity and not any virus or bacteria is to blame for GBS.

Homeopathy for Gullian Barre Syndrome

As I have mentioned in earlier paragraphs, Gullian Barre Syndrome is an auto immune disorder. Therefore, Homeopathy which works very well in treating the deranged immune system is uniquely placed in treating GBS and its attendant symptoms. Homeopathic treatment for GBS is very effective and it allows the body’s own immunity to heal itself and subsequently the body. All the attendant symptoms of GBS get better with homeopathy.

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome

Although there are many homeopathic medicines that help in treating GBS, a few medicines are much more frequently used. These homeopathic medicines have a very good track record in the treatment of Gullian Barre syndrome. You should not in any way think that there are only these 5 medicines which are used in the treatment of GBS. Having said that, I am giving the list of the 5 best homeopathic remedies for GBS.

1. Conium – One of the best homeopathic remedies for Gullian Barre Syndrome with ascending paralysis

2. Causticum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome with gradually appearing paralysis

3. Lathyrus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for GBS with rigidity of legs

4. Vipera – One of the best homeopathic remedies for GBS with increased reflexes

5. Natrum Mur– One of the best homeopathic medicines for GBS after fever

I am giving a brief description of the symptoms pointing to the remedies. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the symptoms of the medicines. It is just to give you an idea of the way homeopaths individualize each case even though the diagnosis of the disease is same in different patients.

1. Conium – One of the best homeopathic remedies for Gullian Barre Syndrome with ascending paralysis

When the paralysis starts from the lower limbs and spreads upwards, Conium is one of the best homeopathic remedies for GBS. There is trembling of lower limbs. Patient feels sudden loss of strength while walking along with painful stiffness of the legs. Fingers of hands and toes feel numb.

2. Causticum – One of the best homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome with gradually appearing paralysis

When the paralysis appears gradually, Causticum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome. There is progressive loss of muscular strength. Patient feels restlessness at night and sinking of strength. Muscles of forearm and hands remain unsteady. Numbness and loss of sensation are common.

3. Lathyrus – One of the best homeopathic medicines for GBS with rigidity of legs

When there is rigidity of legs, Lathyrus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for GBS. There is paralysis of the lower limbs. Spastic paralysis is common. Knees knock against each other while walking. The patient cannot extend or cross legs while sitting. Calf muscles remain tense. The toes do not leave the floor while the heel does not touch the floor.

4. Vipera – One of the best homeopathic remedies for GBS with increased reflexes

When the reflexes are increased, Vipera is one of the best homeopathic remedies for GBS. This medicine is made from the poison of the viper snake and causes paralysis similar to that of GBS. The patient feels obliged to keep his lower limbs raised. There is unbearable pain on letting the limbs hang down.

5. Natrum Mur– One of the best homeopathic medicines for GBS after fever

When symptoms start after a bout of fever, Natrum Mur is one of the best homeopathic medicines. The patient is anaemic, usually thin and withered. There is numbness and tingling in fingers and lower limbs. Hamstrings contract and cause pain. Heat and warmth aggravate the patient. There is increased thirst along with dryness of mouth.


N.B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Queries on 5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Gullian Barre Syndrome
  1. My mother is having very severe type of GBS . IS there any homeopathic medicine which can help cue GBS. She even can’t breathe n swallow on her own. Please help

  2. I am resident of Hubli aged 68 years. I am a Parkinson’s patient with peripheral neuropathy ascending and taking allopathy treatment for the last 8 years. Now my body has started getting rigidity and whole body oily skin itching and getting over heat. Since 2014 I have consulted with big hospitals but they have not diagnosed only 2017 it was diagnosed. Now I have severe mouth ulcer and difficulty in breathing swallowing and bloating.
    Slow urine passes and joints are stiff. Vision problems. Rashes all over the body and red skin in fingers of the feet’s.

    Please suggest any remedies for this condition.

    Thanking you,

  3. My mother is 82 years old suffering from old age syndrome. She is completely bed-ridden with very little stamina and energy. She is diabetic & her body from breast upto knee is locked due to diabetes (not paralysis).

    Her food intake & stool is in bed.

    She also has neurological condition, memory loss & sometimes psychosomatic (psychic behaviour) due to worries & over-thinking.

    Please prescribe the best Homeopathic & Ayurvedic medicine with no side-effect to improve her physical/ psychological conditions & longevity.

    Thanks & Warm Regards.

    Mobile: 9923456635.

  4. My brother lives in Raleigh, NC and has been diagnosed with GB syndrome after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
    Is there a recomended Homeopathic practicioner near him. Is there a detox to remove the remnants of the vaccine.?
    Thank you.
    Victoria Wilson
