5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Cellulitis

Homeopathic medicines for cellulitis are very effective and can get rid of the trouble completely

Cellulitis is a common bacterial infection of the skin and the tissue beneath the skin. It can have a potentially serious course. It usually affects the lower legs though it can occur on the face or arms too. The following homeopathic medicines for cellulitis are very effective –  Apis  Sec Cor  Belladonna Hepar Sulph Silicea… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Meniere’s Disease

Homeopathic medicines for Meniere's Disease are very effective and can cure the disease permanently

Meniere’s Disease is a chronic inner ear disorder that causes repeated attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss. It can happen at any age though it occurs most commonly in the age group of 40 to 60. The following homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s Disease are very effective- Natrum Salicylicum Terebinth Theridion Conium Gelsemium Before we… Read more

5 best Homeopathic medicines for Aspergillosis

Homeopathic medicines for aspergillosis are very effective

Aspergillosis is an infection or in some cases an allergic reaction. It occurs in response to the various kinds of molds. These molds are nothing but one or the other type of fungus. The following homeopathic medicines for aspergillosis are very effective – Phosphorus Carbo Veg Stannum Calcarea Sulph Antim Ars Before we come to… Read more

Homeopathic medicines for Summer Diarrhoea

Homeopathic treatment for diarrhoea

Diarrhoea – The big killer Almost every child suffers from diarrhoea every now and then. In most cases, parents tend to take this as a harmless thing and don’t bother much about it whereas the fact is that diarrhoea is one of the biggest killers. In fact, it comes second when it comes to fatalities… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Nabothian Cysts

Homeopathic medicines for nabothian cysts are very effective and can cure permanently

  Cysts are small sacs filled with watery fluid. They can form anywhere. Most of the cysts are harmless and do not cause any trouble. Nabothian cysts are also benign cysts present in the cervix of the uterus of a female. The following homeopathic medicines for Nabothian Cysts are very effective- 1. Silicea 2. Pulsatilla… Read more

Homeopathic medicines for Mumps

Mumps affects children quite often causing swelling and pain in the jaw region. The following homeopathic medicines for mumps are very effective – Cistus Canadensis Silicea Belladonna Pulsatilla Hamamelis What is Mumps or Parotitis? Mumps or parotitis is a contagious viral infectious disease that affects the salivary glands. A paramyxovirus causes mumps. Parotid gland is… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Inguinal Hernia

Homeopathic medicines for inguinal hernia are effective and can treat the issue without any surgery

Inguinal Hernia means bulging of intestinal contents through a weak opening in your inguinal canal. When you have an inguinal hernia, there is swelling or protrusion in your groin area. The following homeopathic medicines for inguinal hernia are very effective – Aurum Met Belladonna Lachesis Lycopodium Nitric Acid Before we come to the indications suggesting… Read more

Homeopathic medicines for Post Covid

Homeopathic medicines for Post Covid

  Covid 19 was a multi systemic disease. It affected more than one system of the human body. In some patients, it affected the lungs while in others it affected the digestive system. In many  other patients, it affected their heart or nervous system. Even after recovering from the acute symptoms, a number of problems… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urethral Stricture

Homeopathic medicines for urethral stricture are very effective and can treat the problem without any surgical intervention

Urethral Stricture is a narrowing down or blockage in the urethra. Scar tissue forms in the urethra, which is a kind of a tube. This scar tissue obstructs the flow of urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra. The following homeopathic medicines for urethral stricture are very effective- Cantharis Clematis Staphysagria Nitric Acid Pulsatilla… Read more

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Toothache

Homeopathic medicines for toothache are very effective and can cure it permanently

Toothache can be excruciating and really distressing. One only needs to experience it once to understand how painful and irritating it can be. Toothache is the most common reason for a visit to a dentist.  Here are some of the best homeopathic medicines for toothache- Merc Sol Coffea Sepia Kreosote Mezereum Before we provide the… Read more
