Homeopathic treatment for Enuresis or Bedwetting

  Enuresis or bedwetting in children explained A common troublesome problem in children is enuresis or bedwetting, which means that the child is unable to exercise control over his urinary bladder and ends up urinating while sleep. This is involuntary and child does not do this on purpose. In fact this happens because the child… Read more

Allergic conjunctivitis or Pink Eye and its treatment in Homeopathy

What is Allergic Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye In summers, one often meets children and even adults with pink eyes or blood shot eyes. There is irritation in the eyes as depicted by the constant rubbing of the eyes. Lachrymation or watery discharge from the eyes is also present in such people. The cause of this… Read more

Homeopathy can cure Hemorrhoids within days

Understanding Piles or Hemorrhoids Suffering from pain while passing stool? Feeling as if something is obstructing the passage of stool? Having bleeding along with stool? If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, you could be suffering from piles or hemorrhoids. Medically speaking, piles are veins in the rectal area that swell due to various… Read more
