5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Angioedema

Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma

Published August 31, 2023, Last updated August 31, 2023

Homeopathic medicines for Angioedema are very effective in treating this allergic disorder.

Angioedema is an allergic reaction similar to urticaria. It causes temporary, localized swelling just below the surface of the skin. The most common areas of angioedema are the face, throat, larynx, arms and feet. The following homeopathic medicines for angioedema are very effective –

  1.  Apis Mellifica
  2.  Copaiva
  3.  Dulcamara
  4.  Merc Sol
  5.  Natrum Mur

Before we come to the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for angioedema, let us understand the problem a little better.

What is Angioedema?

As I have just mentioned, Angioedema is an allergic disorder. It often occurs along with hives and causes swelling just below the skin surface. Though face, throat, larynx, uvula, arms, hands, feet and legs are more commonly affected, it can also affect the area around your genitals and even your intestines. The swelling feels like large raised areas. It causes redness and pain in the surrounding area.

What are the different types of Angioedema?

There are mainly four types of angioedema-

Allergic angioedema – It is by far the most common form of angioedema. You could be allergic to things that you eat like peanuts, seafood, milk or fish. Other allergens like pollen, synthetic clothing, woolens or latex can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Drug Induced Angioedema – Certain drugs or medicines can also cause angioedema. There is a long list of medications which can cause this reaction. Common medicines that cause allergy include pencillin, aspirin, NSAIDs like ibuprofen and ACE inhibitors for hypertension.

Hereditary Angioedema – This is an uncommon form and happens to run in families. If you have the hereditary form, your parent or immediate family member is likely to have it and you will start getting it early in life, more likely in the first decade of your life.

Idiopathic Angioedema – The last type of angioedema is idiopathic one. This means that there is no certain cause for it. Certain contributory factors may aggravate the problem. These could be stress, exposure to extremes of temperature and exercise.

What are the causes of angioedema?

The causes of angioedema vary depending upon the type of the disease. If you have the allergic variety, it could be due to your body’s hypersensitivity to seemingly normal and harmless things like peanuts, milk or fish. While other people may have nothing on consuming the same thing, you are likely to get a bout of angioedema because you are allergic to it.

Drug induced angioedema is due to certain medicines which may not be suitable for you. In the hereditary variety, the cause happens to be a deficiency of a blood protein called C1 esterase inhibitor. The idiopathic variety of angioedema has no certain cause and is triggered by cold, heat, stress or even certain infections.

What are the symptoms of angioedema?

The most common and prominent symptoms of angioedema are the swelling and redness of the face, below the eyes, around the mouth, tongue and throat. These symptoms of swelling and redness start in a matter of minutes and become very prominent. Hands and arms may also be affected in some cases. Big hives or welts can also form underneath the skin. Itching is another prominent symptom. In some cases, burning may be present.

Homeopathic treatment of Angioedema

When it comes to treatment of allergic disorders, Homeopathy stands head and shoulders above any other system of medicine. Similarly, Homeopathic treatment of angioedema is more effective and surefooted. Homeopathy can cure angioedema once and for all as opposed to the temporary nature of other systems of medicine, in which patient feels better for a few hours only.

5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Angioedema

I  treat hundreds of cases of angioedema every year and have been doing so for more than 2 decades. The medicines that I have selected as most suitable for the treatment of this trouble are based on my personal experience over more than 2 decades. This does not in any way mean that only these 5 medicines will be able to cure all cases of angioedema. One often has to go beyond these medicines depending upon the symptoms of each individual case.

1. Apis Mellifica -best homeopathy medicine for angioedema with burning and stinging

2. Copaiva Officinalis – best homeopathic medicine for angioedema with fever

3. Dulcamara – best homeopathy treatment for angioedema aggravated by cold

4. Merc Sol – one of the best homeopathic medicines for angioedema with increased sweating

5. Natrum Mur- best homeopathic remedy for angioedema triggered by sun

The 5 best homeopathic medicines for angioedema are very effective and can cure your trouble once and for all. I have personally used these medicines in hundreds of cases and got very encouraging results. The only condition is that the symptoms of the patient should match well with that of the medicine in totality.

1. Apis Mellifica – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Angioedema with burning and stinging

This is one of the best homeopathic medicines for angioedema. In fact, it is the most commonly prescribed one when it comes to the treatment of angioedema. The characteristic symptoms of this medicine happen to be the burning and stinging that accompanies the eruptions.

There is redness and swelling as from the sting of a honey bee. Heat is intolerable and most of the times, heat in any form causes or aggravates the eruptions. The patient is usually thirstless. The slightest touch can cause itching and burning.

2. Copaiva Officinalis – Best Homeopathic remedy for chronic angioedema with fever

It is also one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for angioedema. Rashes affect the whole body. It is a very good medicine for angioedema that accompanies fever. There is sensitiveness to air and eruptions are aggravated by erysipelatous inflammation, especially around abdomen. It is very strongly indicated for chronic angioedema in children. There are circumscribed lenticular patches with itching.

3. Dulcamara – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for angioedema triggered by cold

When cold air or dampness or wet weather trigger the problem, Dulcamara is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for angioedema. Indiscretion in diet or taking sour food can also trigger the eruptions. There is redness and itching of the skin, though the skin is often dry. In females, menstrual periods may aggravate the hives.

4. Merc Sol – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for angioedema with increased sweating

When one sees increased sweating in a patient along with other symptoms, Merc Sol is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for angioedema. The skin remains moist most of the time and patient keeps on sweating. This increased sweating does not relieve in any manner. The itching is worse in the evening and at night. The patient is very sensitive to both heat and cold. This means that he can tolerate neither cold nor hot. There is increase in salivation in mouth.

5. Natrum Mur- Best Homeopathic medicine for angioedema triggered by sun

Natrum Mur, a remedy prepared from the common salt, is one of the most frequently used natural homeopathic medicines for angioedemas. The eruptions are red and oedematous in character. There is intense itching of the skin.

Exposure to sun can easily trigger the itching and eruptions. Another factor that can cause the eruptions is exercise or any sort of exertion. The skin is usually oily or greasy. The eruptions are more likely to be around the bends of joints or at the margins of hair.


N.B Homeopathic medicines are very safe and do not have any side effects when taken under the supervision of an expert homeopathic doctor.

Get in touch with our homeopathic doctors to know how homeopathy can cure your problem.

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Queries on 5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Angioedema
  1. Help. Mainstream medicine has failed me.

    I have high blood pressure, I believe from adrenal fatigue and extremely high cortisol levels. I am in the process of investigating this. I am on lisinopril and spironolactone for blood pressure control. I was 400 lbs and have dropped 70 lbs eating only once daily. In my research, I have found that the mechanism of spironolactone can prevent weight loss. Also, that it causes plaque psoriasis, which I developed, as well as man breasts. The drug is listed with a cancer toxicity and tumorigenicity, as I have fatty painful bumps all over my midsection, sides, chest area (gynecomastia). I have also discovered that spironolactone is linked to gastric and peptic ulcers. The lisinopril has been known to cause angioedema of the lips tongue and throat, however…big surprise…it can also present as episodic intestinal angioedema. Both my gastro and my cardiologist deny the links, no matter what scholarly medical studies I have shown them. I have had gi issues for 4 years, and nobody seems to be able to get to the bottom of this. I have discontinued the use of spironolactone, but they have increased my lisinopril to 40mg, broken up into 12 hours, 20mg 2x daily. I am worried about my liver, my kidneys, my chronic abdomen pain and discomfort, and nobody wasn’t to admit and diagnose me on ANY of the research I have presented. The combination of hypercortisolism, with a drug that plays with your hormones like spironolactone has, I feel has created a block for me to continue to lose weight. I eat healthy, do not smoke, do not drink, do not have caffeine, eat a low salt, low sugar, low carb, 90% plant based diet, and keep my caloric intake well below what my body needs and still nothing has changed, I have maintained 330 lbs for 2 years with no change, no matter what I eat, how little I eat, even if I eat once every 48 hours….please help….my life is at stake. I need some guidance. How to I cope with my intestinal angioedema? what else should I do to get tested. I want to help others with this issues on YouTube, because I felt like I was alone but I have read thousands of accounts of real life accounts of stories just like mine. Please help!

  2. I am a patient of chronic angioedema,took allopathic medicines since 2005.But now a days the symptoms have relapsed.during hit weather swelling of a part of the body ,getting red and tiny blisters on it are seen.itching at night is a great problem.pls.suggest medicine and diagnose for me.

  3. I am suffering from Angioedema from last one year. I have consulted with many dermatologist but the problem could not be cured by allopathic medicine . even it is getting worst day by day. The triggering factors are unknown.
    when the episode occurs I have swelling in different parts of the body especially eyes. Even in the internal part of the abdomen and anywhere in the body.

  4. I want to know about about medicine for treatment of angioedema as i am suffering from ot. Swelling all over my face,itching and pain,stiffness fom my neck is unbearable. Swallowing food also is very difficult,.
