Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published November 8, 2024, Last updated November 8, 2024

Uterine prolapse can cause a lot of anxiety and stress in the mind of a female. It occurs when the muscles supporting the position of the uterus get weak and are unable to provide the required support. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse are very effective –
- Calcarea Carb
- Ustilago
- Sepia
- Murex
- Lilium Tig
Before we come to the details of the symptoms suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines, let us understand uterine prolapse a little better.
What is Uterine Prolapse?
When the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that support the uterus stretch and weaken, they are unable to support the uterus. In such a case, the uterus hangs down into the vagina. This is known as uterine prolapse. It can be mild or severe depending upon the weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. In extreme cases, the uterine opening may slip down so much that it may even come out of the vaginal opening. It often occurs in post menopausal women. This is more likely to happen in women who had multiple vaginal deliveries.
Different stages of Uterine Prolapse
There are four different stages of uterine prolapse –
- Stage 1- When the uterus slips down into the upper part of the vagina
- Stage 2- Here the uterus slips as far down as into the lower part of the vagina
- Stage 3- The uterus starts protruding from the vagina
- Stage 4 – Whole of the uterus protrudes outside the vagina
What causes Uterine Prolapse?
As I have mentioned earlier, the weakness of the muscles of the pelvic floor results in uterine prolapse. The main reasons which cause weakness in these muscles are as under –
- Multiple vaginal deliveries are more likely to result in weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
- Being older at the time of the first vaginal delivery also predisposes one to weakened pelvic muscles.
- Obesity can be another cause of weak muscles.
- A large or overweight baby can also lead to stretching or tearing of muscles.
- Difficult delivery is another cause that can weaken the muscles.
- Constipation and straining for stool may also lead to weak pelvic floor muscles.
Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse
The common symptoms of uterine prolapse are as follows-
- Feeling of heaviness or a bearing down sensation in the pelvic region is a common symptom.
- One may feel the presence of uterus in the upper part of the vagina.
- Incontinence of urine is another common symptom present in cases of uterine prolapse.
- Low back pain is common in patients having prolapse of uterus.
- Constipation may also be present in some cases.
- Pain may also occur during intercourse.
Prevention and management of Uterine Prolapse
Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is the most important aspect of prevention or management of uterine prolapse. Exercises that impart strength to the muscles are quite helpful in managing the situation. Pregnancy, post partum and post menopausal stages are common vulnerable times when the chances of uterine prolapse are more. Reducing one’s weight is also important as obesity is another risk factor.
Homeopathic Treatment of Uterine Prolapse
Treating uterine prolapse is very much possible with homeopathic medicines. It is one of the common troubles with which patients approach a homeopathic physician. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is perfectly possible with homeopathic medicines. Once they gain strength, they are able to hold up the uterus and not allow it to slide down.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for Uterine Prolapse
The following 5 homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse have proved to be very effective in its treatment. They often give miraculous results and patients are able to avoid surgery for the treatment of uterine prolapse.
1. Calcarea Carb – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse with obesity
2. Ustilago – One of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse with dark clotted bleeding
3. Sepia – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse in menopausal women
4. Murex – One of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse with pains extending towards breasts
5. Lilium Tig – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse with urging for stool
A few details about the indications of these remedies are being given so as to be able to identify the right medicine in each case.
1. Calcarea Carb – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse with obesity
When there is uterine prolapse in obese females, Calcarea Carb is one of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse. Fair, fat and flabby females often present with cases of prolapse and get better with the use of this medicine. Profuse perspiration is another marked symptom guiding to the use of this medicine.
2. Ustilago – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse with dark clotted bleeding
When there is discharge of dark clots of blood along with uterine prolapse, Ustilago is one of the best homeopathic medicines for prolapse. The clots form long and black strings. There is discharge of blood at the slightest provocation. The uterus is in a flabby condition.
3. Sepia – One of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse in menopausal women
In cases where the prolapse occurs in menopausal women, Sepia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse. The pelvic organs feel relaxed and a bearing down sensation is persistent. One has to cross her limbs to prevent the inner organs from protruding. Hot flushes are also commonly present in this stage of life in a patient needing this remedy.
4. Murex – One of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse with pains extending towards breast
When there are pains in the uterine region which extend towards the breasts, Murex is one of the best homeopathic medicines for uterine prolapse. It is highly indicated in nervous and affectionate women. Excessive sexual desire is another indication suggesting the use of this remedy.
5. Lilium Tig – One of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse with urging for stool
When there is urgent desire for stool in cases of prolapse, Lilium Tig is one of the best homeopathic remedies for uterine prolapse. There is a bearing down sensation along with this urging for stool, as if the internal organs will slip down and out of the vagina. Bloating is present around the uterine region. It is quite often indicated in unmarried women.