Authored by Dr Harsh Sharma, Edited and Peer Reviewed by Dr. Pooja Sharma
Published October 4, 2023, Last updated October 4, 2023

Eczema is an allergic skin disease that can be very distressing for the patient. The following 5 homeopathic medicines for eczema allow the patients to lead a perfectly symptom free and medicine free life-
- Graphites
- Mezereum
- Hepar Sulph
- Dulcamara
- Sulphur
The allopathic system of medicine which is the most prevalent everywhere and where most of the patients head first of all, does not have any lasting cure for eczema. Compared to that, homeopathy is much more effective. Homeopathic medicines are able to completely cure eczema though it takes some time.
Before we learn more about the indications suggesting the use of these homeopathic medicines for eczema, we should know a little bit more about eczema, its cause and symptoms.
What is Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis?
Eczema is a chronic skin disease causing the skin to ‘boil out’. Eczema is the commonly used name for the medical condition ‘dermatitis’. Dermatitis is the inflammation of the dermis or the skin. Therefore, eczema is the inflammation of the skin. This inflammation can be due to various reasons, though allergy is the most common reason.
What causes Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis?
Usually patients suffering from eczema have other allergies too. That is why we see increased incidence in families. This may be of the respiratory system or any other system of the body. Family history of allergies is also common. A weak immunity over reacts to certain responses. This over reaction of the immunity is the root cause of the problem.
Symptoms of Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis
- The usual symptoms of eczema are redness, itching, scaling and thickening of the skin.
- Itching is the most predominant symptom. At times the itching is so intense that one is forced to scratch the area till it bleeds.
- A thick crust like layer is formed on the skin which may give a leathery look to the skin.
- In some cases, there may be oozing of a discharge from the affected area . The discharge is often watery and sticky. This is known as wet eczema.
- In other cases, there is no oozing of any discharge and the skin remains dry. This is often known as dry eczema.
Treatment of Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis
Out of habit, the first line of treatment for most patients is the nearby allopathic doctor or their family doctor. The usual line of treatment is a few anti-allergics and a couple of medicines to stop the itching. For some days, the patient feels better. After some time, the problem starts again. Then the doctor gives some stronger medicines or refers the patient to a skin specialist. The skin specialist also prescribes some more of the same creams, although with different brand names. If those too don’t work, then he gives some steroidal creams or even oral steroids. Sooner or later, they also stop working.
Most of the patients have a bitter experience of the allopathic system of medicine’s treatment of eczema or atopic dermatitis. That is because the creams and the medicines are only palliative in nature. They are able to relieve the problem temporarily. After some time, the problem returns and one is forced to apply even stronger creams.
Can Homeopathy cure Eczema?
Under these circumstances, patients look for a treatment that can cure atopic dermatitis or eczema completely, once and for all. That is why the first question patients ask is whether Homeopathy can cure eczema. There is a difference between the word ‘cure’ and ‘treat’. Patients want cure and not just treatment. They have had enough of treatment. Here is where Homeopathy comes in. The homeopathic system of medicine does not believe in suppressing the problem. Rather, it cures the disease from the roots. It takes some time for the homeopathic medicines to cure the problem but once cured, it does not recur.
Homeopathic medicines for Eczema
In Homeopathy, the stress is on improving the poor or the weak immune system. As mentioned above, allergy is the manifestation of a hyperactive immunity. Therefore instead of just treating the symptoms of the allergy, Homeopathy goes to the very basic cause of the problem and sets right the immune system. Once the immunity is in order and stops over reacting to ordinary stimuli, the net result is cure of the eczema.
Why homeopathic treatment for eczema is better than allopathy?
Allopathy uses anti-histaminics or immunosuppressant medicines like steroids which only give temporary relief, with the problem returning on stopping the medicine. On the other hand, during Homeopathy treatment of eczema, cure of allergy happens by strengthening the immune system and the symptoms subside on their own. At the same time, one needs to understand that this is purely natural eczema treatment. Homeopathy does not use any steroids or anti allergic medicines. Homeopathic medicines strengthen the immunity instead of causing suppression as happens with allopathic treatment.
5 Best Homeopathic remedies for Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis
On the basis of my experience of treating eczema with Homeopathy, I am giving the 5 best Homeopathic remedies for eczema or atopic dermatitis. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these 5 Homeopathic medicines are very effective.
Here are the 5 best homeopathic remedies for eczema or atopic dermatitis-
1. Graphites – best homeopathic medicine for eczema with thick discharge
2. Mezereum – best eczema treatment in homeopathy with crust formation
3. Hepar Sulph – best homeopathic medicine for atopic dermatitis with pus formation
4.Dulcamara – best medicine for eczema worse in cold damp weather
5. Sulphur- best medicine for eczema with burning
Your eczema might require a different medicine and the right choice of medicine can only be made after a careful analysis of the symptoms, history, family history, allergies, eating and drinking habits, body’s reaction to temperature and other symptoms related to your personality. Having said that, one needs to make it known that these 5 homeopathic remedies for Eczema are most commonly indicated and used. These have the potential to cure eczema completely so that there is no recurrence of the problem. Of course, one needs to be patient and give some time to the medicines to take effect.
I am giving a brief description of the symptoms of the 5 best homeopathic medicines for eczema here-
1. Graphites-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic dermatitis with thick oozing
Where there is oozing of thick and sticky discharge from the eruptions, Graphites is the best Homeopathic medicine for eczema or atopic dermatitis. Usually the patient is obese and suffers from constipation. Such patients are more likely to be sensitive to the cold weather. The skin is rough and hard. In unaffected areas, the skin is dry. It is often indicated in females with menstrual difficulties. The menses are late and scanty.
2. Mezereum- One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Eczema or atopic dermatitis with crust formation
When there is formation of a crust, more so on the head, Mezereum is the best Homeopathic medicine for eczema. The head is usually covered with a thick, leather like crust. Pus collects just below the crust. The itching is intolerable and is worse in the bed. The patient feels better in open air and is worse at night.
3. Hepar Sulphur- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic dermatitis with pus formation
In cases, where suppuration or pus formation is most marked, Hepar Sulphur is the most useful medicine for atopic dermatitis or eczema. There is intense itching in the area affected by eczema. There are deep cracks on the skin. The patient is sensitive to touch and also to cold air but is better in the damp weather. The eruptions aggravate in winters. The sensitivity to cold is so much that the person cannot uncover himself even for a moment. Even if a door opens in the other room, he will feel the cold and often starts reacting or sneezing because of the change in temperature. For such a patient, Hepar Sulph is often the best homeopathic medicine for eczema.
4. Dulcamara- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema or atopic dermatitis worse in the cold damp weather
For eruptions that aggravate in the cold damp weather, Dulcamara is one of the best homeopathic medicines for eczema or atopic dermatitis. The itching is also worse in cold damp weather. There is the formation of thick brown yellow crusts which bleed when scratched.
5. Sulphur- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for Eczema with burning
If there is intense burning along with itching in the eczematous parts, then Sulphur is the best Homeopathic medicine for eczema. The problems tend to get worse in heat and in summers. The skin is usually dry and looks unhealthy. The itching is worse from warmth and in the evening. There are often other skin problems too that may affect the person. Usually family history of skin diseases is also present in such cases. The patient often feels hungry in the morning around 11 am.
FAQs on homeopathy for eczema
क्या एक्जिमा का होम्योपैथिक इलाज संभव है?
एक्जिमा का होम्योपैथिक इलाज बहुत ही बढ़िया है और पूरी तरह से एक्जिमा को जड़ से खत्म कर देता है.
Which are the best homeopathic remedies for eczema on legs?
There are no separate homeopathic remedies for eczema on legs. All the homeopathic remedies are capable of eczema on legs. The only condition is that the symptoms of the medicine and that of the patient should match.
Are there any effective homeopathic medicines for eczema and itchy skin?
Yes, there are many effective homeopathic medicines for itchy skin and eczema. Itchy skin is a common symptom of eczema. Five of the most commonly indicated medicines for eczema have been given above.
Can eczema be cured with homeopathy?
Yes, homeopathy offers a permanent solution to your eczema problem.
Can eczema treatment by homeopathy provide relief from severe itching?
Yes, itching due to eczema often gets complete relief by homeopathy.
Are there any good homeopathic remedies for eczema on hands?
Eczema on hands can easily be treated with homeopathic remedies. These remedies can cure eczema permanently.
Which dietary vitamins deficiency causes eczema?
Deficiency of Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Vitamin B 12 tends to increase the incidence of Eczema.
Eczema on legs and ankles,itchi dry
I am 63 years old and suffering from rashes on my legs from foot to thighs for last three years. Some times I feel like to scratch. The affected region turns red in patches. The worst affected part are my both feet. The skin on the affected parts turns red and scally.Please suggest me some good homeopathy medicine.
I am suffering from atopic eczema one year ago were rashes on my back, stomach and below knees and it started in the month of cold in November. But I recovered in may but in November I got the itching on my shoulders, stomach and below my knees on the legs. i am better now as I am taking Adel 12, Graphite and Petroleum. So give me the advice but I need to add to solve this problem. thanks.
We mail personally to everyone keeping in mind the confidentiality of the issues involved
where are all the answers to to all these questions? I don’t see any responses which could help a lot to all of us with the same questions.
I Mr Pavan Gupta ( Suffering from Excema ) since the last 6 years .
and its become intense ..
could you help me with the treatment .
thanks & regards
In winter season i feel itching 0on my waist and skin looks cracked in a round spot.when i itch it becomes broad. Some other parts also affected sometimes, the affected area becomes rough and black. I am suffering since 100years. In summer season symptoms disappear. Tell me any patented remedy.
Nice Article. take homeopathy treatment for eczema . you can completely avoid eczema.
How icure my eczema please tell me
i am suffering from eczema since two years. it spread on my whole face .plz suggest me best homeopathic medicine.
I am 50 yrs. old & suffering from chronic dry eczema for last 10 yrs. Please help.
Hello Dr.harsh
I am 31years old and suffering from eczema since 7years..the problem persist only during summer between April to September and in winters it disappears like it was never before.i had many treatment but all are effective for a short term .every summer the problem comes back.i have eczema only in underarms and under breast.burning sensation,worst itching and the skin become very rough and could you please help me out.all test have been done in this regard but all tests reports are normal.none of my family members has such allergy .so kindly recommend me the best cure.
I have twins. One of them is now facing skin peeling on upper eye folds. Also he is having pink & white spot on his belly and chicks. Allopath gave some medicines and asked to come next moth again. Also he asked to read about atopic dermatitis. I believe in Homeopathy so I want to know can atopic dermatitis be first stopped from spreading and then eliminate completely. Age of baby is 3 & 1/2 months.
Are there any experience doctor known in Pune?
I’m 46 years old and suffering from eczema from last 30 years. Eczema on fingers of both of my hand, it is cracking and itching. It burns where the cracks are.
I am suffering from eczema for a long time. I am being treated by a homeopathic doctor but where we are making mistake my eczema in spreading all over my hand. It makes my very depressed. Can you please suggest me something to get rose of it. I would be very greatful to you for your suggestions.
my nephew has severe eczema where his skin is red sore broken and weeps he has had steroid treatments .
he has had wraps where they cover his whole body in creams then bandage it .
nothing seems to work ,as a child he had a nut allergy
is there anything you can recommend as he is a young man and is getting so upset with this ongoing condition.
My son is 16,has eczema on both of his hand, it is cracking and itching, he often puts it under cold water to relieve the burning.
Very nice anf infirmative
I have been experiencing intense burning and itching in skin under my beard area,head,eyebrows and arms and legs.
Scratching my neck area too much and skin bleeds but even the hard to stop scratching which is very painful and oozing discharge too.
Scratching starts after washing my face and also while sleeping at night. Kindly suggest me homeopathy medicine to get rid
of this problem
I got eczima. On between two thigs and on akso on bumper. I used to take homopathy medicine. And its bery effective. After words due to my care less. Its become again arises. I also used cream but mot effective can i suugess t. Permsnant solutiion and medice for me. Id itching start it become red immeediately. So help me our
i am suffering with eczema problem on toe fingers and also on hand. i am fatty.
Sir,I have deep cracks in the fingers du
e to dry egzima.What homeopathic medicine is required Pl.
My 16 year old son is suffering from atopic dermatitis can he be permanently cured or treated by homeopathy
My mother has chronic type eczema,we don’t know exactly what but she had problem of veins scrolled and blood used to come before,but as age passed she has infection on both ankles and legs.she is obese and now pus is coming with even holes and previously treated and was OK with potassium per magnet dipping in hot water with some medicines .it was OK now it’s more severe.Cant come to clinic hence can you please suggest diagnosis and treatment.
I am aged about 65 years old and daibatic and HBlood pressure since one year suffering from dry eczema and fungal infections and allergies and itching please suggest me treatment for eczema my sugar is very much normal and BP normal and I am obsess.
Hey I have been eczema for 4years of my life intially doctors recommended me steroids and the effect was magical,eczema would vanish within a day or two but with time things got worse eczema comes every now and then .i tried everything but nothing seems to work and most stupid thing is that it appears on my face and nowhere else, suggest me sometimes
I am having eczmea for past 4 years intially it used to reoccur after 6 or more months but with time things got bad not it recur every 3 or 4 days I tried every type of steroid but only left side effects and nothing else help me to get rid of this problem once and for all
My 10 year old granddaughter has chronic eczema. Nothing works for long. Can you recommend a Homeopathist where I live in Leighton Buzzard, please.
My son is 1and a half year old. He has rashes all over the body specially on his cheek legs back and Tommy
He has so intense itching that he is not able to sleep properly. His itching is worse in night . He doesn’t eat and sleep properly.
What to do please suggest me??
I was taking treatment for Exema from Allopathic Doctors. They gave me creams and later steroid creams. The effect was magical and the erruptions would dissappear within 2 or 3 days giving a feeling that I have been cured. But the erruptions would reappear a cause anxiety in my mind.
My main problem is in the left leg and also in my thighs and some erruptions in the back and stomach
Then I started Homeopathy medicines and I was given
HS200 2pills every alternate day in the morning.
ARS 200 2 pills at night.
I have been taking these medicines for 2 months, It appears that the exema is getting cured and I am carrying on patiently. But to my dismay my left has started swelling a week back and now my right leg also shows slight swelling. Is this normal or unusual and what do I do now.
Dear sir,
I have varicose veins on on left leg .and may be due to this reason i have developed lot of itching ,due to this my leg portion has turned black , and also at the foot heal the skin has become thick and cuts are developed , I have visited the skin specialist several time but its is temporarily .please help me out with the medicine and cure for this.
thanking you
Rajiv Adhav
My granddaughter has rashes like eczema on ankle side both side .She is 7 years old what shalle I give
Because of my weak varicose veins I have developed eczema, I guess, but the symptoms are discoloration of skin, flakiness or scales, itchy and when scratched tends to ooze light fluid.
Please let me know if this type of eczema can be treated or cured with Homeopathy
my finger and at my palm skin get hard and then cracks and starts bleeding no more iching bt it realy pain skin crack and hand like damage tissue..
please recomend me what i have to use for such type of eczema..!
Please let me know if I can take the Allopathy treatment along with Homeopathy.
Please also let me know if any side effects are there during treatment with Homeopathy medicines.
Thanking you.
My son is having ad since 8 yrs. Have switched over to homoeopathy recently from allopathy. But it is now flaring up possibly due to homoeo medicine’s way of acting… Would like to know how long it will take to get full cure… Is there a permanent cure in homoeopathy for ad??
Hi my 24months old daughter is suffering from serious atopic dermatitis, though she had red patches on her cheeks when she was 6months old and we used aveeno baby eczema therapy moisturising cream on her after which it had gone but 3months back she developed slight rashes on her cheeks and legs for which I took her to a dermatologist here in Siliguri and Dr gave her very potent steroids and antihistamines and did not Guide and educate us about such strong steriods on such small child. On trusting him we used it for about 2months and now when suddenly when my cousin saw my daughter’s prescription she was so shocked and we have stopped the steriods and medicines.Right now her face is flared up badly with skin thinning.
Can I seek for homeopathic treatment right now, as I cannot see her suffering like this.Please help
I am suffering from dyshidrotic eczema from 7-8 months…i have consulted two dermatologists but not getting permanent keeps coming back
My son is 5 months old. I am breast feeding him. It seems like when he has my milk he comes out in a heat rash. Slowly the rash grew and now looks like eczima where half of his face is covered in spots and he is scratching. The area is inflamed red and oozing puss.
i am 42 yrs old skin biopsy report said that i have “chronic eczematous dermatitis”. i have only itching problem and skin become redish.
i have used homotoplex tonic (as per doctor prescription) but my problem yet not solved. plz help.
Hi am suffering with a.d. since 6months..
AIIMS is giving me azoran tablet for it. I am related to medical field SOI know the side effect of this medicine. I don’t want to take it. Know I am completely depend on homeopathy. So pls advice me.
I am suffering from itching in my private parts from last 15 days and due to this my private part skin become red
. what can I do to cure it fastly
I am facing Itching near private parts and reddish rashes since last 2 months.
I am using Candid B ointment. but not getting permanent relief.
My daughter 17 yrs old suffering with AD on knees, elbow, hips and scalp along with respiratory problem like asthma. We have a family history of skin disease.
What should we do or what medicine like sulphur or anything else you recommend.
I was found suffering from eczema about 6 months back. I consulted my family doctor who recommended some medicine to be consumed and also cream. After taking treatment for some time I started feeling better. However as per doctor’s advice I consulted skin specialist and am under his treatment for last 4 months. The skin specialist has changed the treatment after every follow up,visit and presently my esczema appears to be under control but still I am not completely cured. Still foot skin is thickned and finger tips of hand have multiple skin particles.
Can I get good advice so that my esczema is cured in short time?
If you require the names of creams I am presently using I shall inform you on getting your demand.
Hi my daughter had eczema red dry patches that started on her face and went down her body they were itchy worse in bed at night or when she got hot it all slowly went away with homeopathy now it has started to come back this time from the legs up her body slowly and it looks much worse help I’m currently giving her sulphur how many times a day shud I do this I have a 30c sulphur